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Carl's POV

I woke up about an hour ago, but I haven't actually gotten up yet. Enid's still curled up against my chest, and I don't want to wake her by moving.

          It's about eight o'clock right now, and if Maggie's up she's probably worried about where Enid is.  She doesn't need to worry, though.  Enid's safe with me.  I'd sooner lose my other eye than let something happen to her.

          Just as I'm about to fall back asleep, I hear a knock on the door.

          My hand flies to the nightstand, where my pistol usually rests, but it's not there.  I forgot that they took all of our weapons.  "Who's there?"

          "It's Piper.  I need to check on your bullet wound."

          "I'm fine, go away."

          I hear her huff outside the door.  "You're not fine, now let me in."

          "No," I say forcefully.

          "Please let me in.  Lydia's watching me, if I can't handle this by myself then she'll come in."

          At Lydia's name I tense.  "Fine," I say eventually. 

          The door opens quietly, and Piper steps in.  Her eyes travel to Enid's sleeping form, and a small smile grows on her face.  Not a evil smirk, like her father or sister.  Just a smile.

          "She couldn't sleep, huh?"

          "Yeah, she was a little busy mourning Glenn's death.  You know, the guy who's head your dad bashed in."

          She seems unfazed by my bitter comment, placing her bag on the foot of the bed. 

          "Cut the attitude, Carl.  I'm not my father.  Or my sister."

          Her eyes widen as they travel to my chest.  "You bled through the bandage."  I look down and see bright red blood soaking through my shirt, though luckily none of it got on the bed or Enid.

          "Take off your shirt," she says as she rifles through her pack.

          "I-" I begin to protest, but Piper cuts me off.

          "Just take off your shirt so I can make sure you don't die.  Please."

          I do so, and as I pull it off it seems almost stuck to the bandage by the blood.  The bandage itself is completely drenched in blood, no longer looking white at all. 

          Piper pulls a fresh bandage and a rag out of her pack, and she slowly peels the old one off.  Then she mops up as much of the blood as she can with the rag before wrapping the new bandage around my chest. 

          I honestly feel a little uncomfortable with Piper touching my bare chest, and Enid sleeping just a few feet away.  The entire time I just try to avoid eye contact with Piper, looking anywhere but at her.

          At some point she notices, and she smirks at my discomfort. 

          "Relax, man," she says as she finishes bandaging me up.  "I'm not the sister you need to worry about."

          I must actually visibly relax, because she laughs at me before going to collect her things and leave.  "Oh," she says, remembering something as she walks out the door.  "Come by the infirmary in an hour.  We need to pump more blood out of your lungs."

          After she leaves, I glance at the clock.  It's now just past nine.  I look back at Enid, and decide to wake her up.

          "Hey," I shake her gently.  "Hey, wake up."

          She squints at the light streaming in through the window as she wakes.  For a moment, Enid seems confused by her surroundings, but then her eyes settle on me, and she smiles. 

          "Morning, sleepyhead." 

          "Good morning," she says, propping herself up on her arm.  "Did I fall asleep?"

          I start to grin myself, "Yeah, you have a very tight grip."  She laughs, then her face falls.

"Oh, shit!" Enid leaps out of the bed and runs to the window.

"What?" I ask, still laughing.

"Maggie's gonna freak out if she comes to my room and I'm not there!"

She starts to clamber out the window. "I gotta go to the infirmary soon, but I'll come find you later, okay?"

She flashes me a bright smile. "Okay."
Enid's POV

When I get back over to my room, I try to mess up the sheets to make it look like I slept there.  Then I go downstairs to find Maggie.

          After looking through most of the house, I decide that she must be in her room.  I knock lightly on the door, quiet enough not to wake her up if she's sleeping.

          "Come in," I hear a weak voice say.  I push the door open gently, and there she is.  Sitting on the bed, slumped over, eyes and nose red, clutching a pillow to her chest.

          "Hey," I say, sitting down next to her.  "So," I exhale slowly.  "Do you want to talk or just cry?"

          "I-" her voice breaks as she tries to speak.  "I don't think I can talk about it... not yet."  Tears fall down her cheeks, her face becoming red from holding back sobs.

          "Okay," I whisper, embracing Maggie as both of us let our tears out, sobbing unabashedly.

///Time skip\\\

After about thirty minutes of all-out crying, Maggie takes a deep, shaky breath and pulls away. Then I remember something.

"We never got you to a doctor." The words come out quiet and mumbled, and Maggie can't hear me.


"We never got you to a doctor, we never found out if something's wrong with your baby."

The realization dawns on Maggie's face and she seems to panic, feeling guilty about forgetting. "Does your stomach still hurt?"

"It comes and go-" she winces and bends over, her pain cutting her off.

"Come on, I'll take you to the infirmary."
Sorry this took so long guys!

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What did Piper mean when she said that she wasn't the sister Carl needed to worry about?

What's wrong with Maggie's baby?


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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