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Enid's POV

Lydia shoves me back towards the Saviors.  "Keep her near me."  She motions to her sister to move the RV forward, into Alexandria.

          It begins to creep through the gates, with Lydia leading it. 

          She walks down the street like she owns the place.  Once the RV is inside, she gives order to some Saviors to close the gates, and they do so.

          "You're probably wondering who I am.  My name is Lydia, and I'm in-charge.  We're the Saviors.

          "This's how this is gonna work: we take all your weapons and control the armory.  Y'all go about your normal everyday lives.  For the first couple weeks, we're gonna stay here with you to make sure you're doing your jobs.  Every few days, we'll take supplies back to our compound.  Everybody understand?"  The Alexandrians nod.

          "Good," Lydia turns to me.  "Release the others.  Get her outta my sight."  The Saviors throw me to the ground as the door to the RV opens.

          "Enid!"  I look up to see Carl running towards me, his hands untied.  "Are you okay?" he asks, frantic. 

          "Yeah," I respond as he frees my hands.  Behind Carl, everyone else files out of the RV.  Maggie still has tear marks on her cheeks, and she stays silent as she walks to her and Glenn's house.

///Time skip\\\

          We've all been sent back to our houses, but since I lived in the armory/pantry before, and the Saviors are guarding that, I don't have a house.  Maggie let me stay with her, so I'm in one of the rooms on the second floor.

          Maggie's been in her and Glenn's room for a while, alone.  Probably crying like me.

          But I stop crying momentarily when I hear a pebble hit my window.

          And then another.

          And another.

          I walk over to my window, and see someone perched on the windowsill a few feet away, on the house next to mine.


          He waves at me, and I quietly pull the window up, slipping out.

          "Hey," Carl says once I'm outside.

          "Hey," I reply while wiping my eyes, attempting to make myself look like less of a mess.

          "Do you wanna come over?  Maybe talk about it?"

          I try to give him a smile, but it comes out strained.  "I don't need to talk about anything.  I'm fine."

          He sighs, "Enid, I know when you're lying.  You don't have to suffer alone.  Let me help."

          His expression is so sincere, and I know it's not good to hold emotions like these inside me.

          "I'm not sure I can jump all the way across though," I laugh.

          Carl laughs too, "Don't worry.  I'll catch you."

          I tuck my legs under me and leap over to Carl, who I crash into.  He does catch me, though, his strong arms wrapping around me, his laugh in my ear.

"Come on," he says, opening his window wider. "Let's get inside before you make both of us fall." I laugh, taking his hand and letting him pull me into his room.

It's nothing special, the walls are blue, like in my room. There's a big bed and a bathroom, and across the room his door is closed.

Carl crashes onto his bed, lying on his back. "Welcome to my crib." I laugh again, joining him on the bed, lying next to him.

"Speaking of cribs, have you seen Judith yet?"

A small smile crosses his face as he thinks about his baby sister. "Yeah," he says, "she's downstairs sleeping right now. My dad's been with her since we got back. He hasn't left her room."

"Maggie's been in her room since we got back, too. She's most likely been crying for the last couple hours."

Carl turns to me, looking straight into my eyes. "Like you?"

"I haven't been crying, Carl."

"Yes, you have. Glenn was like a father to you." I roll into my side, facing away from Carl. "Besides, there're tears streaked all over your face and your eyes are red."

"I wasn't crying!" I wipe my face furiously, trying to get the tears off, but I can feel more coming.

"Enid," he says firmly, "there's nothing wrong with crying."

"You're wrong! I'm tired of caring about people, and then getting hurt when they die! I'm tired of crying!"

"Hey," a gentle hand lands on my arm, turning me back on my back so I can see Carl. "I won't let you get hurt anymore. Never again."

"But what if you die? You almost did back there, with Negan. And when you got shot. And when you got shot again. I thought I was gonna lose you."

"You won't. I'll never leave your side again. I promise."

I stare up into Carl's eye, and then the tears start falling.

He reaches down and hugs me, slowly sitting up. I bury my face in his shoulder, balling my eyes out. He just holds me tighter, and I pull my legs underneath me, curling up on his lap.

We just stay like that, for I don't know how long. Carl holding me, my tears wetting his shirt.

"It's okay," he whispers, clutching me harder. One of his hands grips my waist, the other on the back of my head.

We stay there for hours, clinging to each other.

Carl's POV

After a while, Enid falls asleep on me. I lay down carefully, not letting go of her. I try to untangle her arms from around my neck, but she won't let go.

I grin. She's stubborn even when she's asleep.

I let her keep her arms around me, staying with her.

I go to sleep with a smile on my lips, and Enid beside me.
Cheesy feels again!

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