Part 1: Light Hair; Dark Smile

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Note at the end.

Read the first book before this: Tattoos and Flowers

*Nico's P.O.V*

"But I don't want to go to school!" Dan yelled out for the fifth time. It was time for Dan's second day of school and he was very stubborn about not going.

"Dan, you'll get to see your friends that you made yesterday, and we'll get you ice cream after. How does that sound?" Will tried to reason with him.

"and after we could go to the park." I add in.

Dan tilted his head at Will. "Can we go to the park with ice cream?"

Will laughed. "Of course we can. Only of you go to school and behave. Deal?"

"Yes, dada, deal."

"If you want to get to school and if you," I pointed to Will." Want to get to work on time we should leave," I looked at an imaginary watch on my wrist. "Five minutes ago."

Will gave me that funny sarcastic smirk he only has on April first.

"Will," I said warningly.

"Nothing, Darling, don't worry."

I tried to glare at him through my blush. He just laughed. His freaking southern accent.

"Let's- a- go!" He exclaimed and started walking out our apartment.

"C'mon, Dan." I say holding his hand and walking him down the stairs.

"M' Kay, Neeks." He said with a cheeky smile.

"Where'd you hear that?" I ask him.

"Dada!" He giggles and runs off with my hand still clutching on to his.

I rolled my eyes.


"Dan~" I sang. "We're here."

"Can I go to school for five minutes then leave?" Dan asked giving me puppy dog eyes.

"You can, but no ice cream and Dada would be mad."

Dan gave me a look of shock. "N-no ice cream..."

"Yep, no ice cream."

"I'm going to school now." Dan said unbuckling his seatbelt.


"I'm here to sign in Dan Solace." I told the lady at the desk.

"Here's the clipboard." She said and pushed up her glasses.

I quickly signed the paper and looked around for Dan. He already put his bag in his cubby and was running toward his classroom. He peeked his head out the open door and waved bye before disappearing inside.

He was too cute.


It may seem like I'm a stay at home dad, but I'm not. I have a job. It's ordering flowers for the flower shop and I'm not driving an hour to stay there for ten minutes and drive back. It's easier to just do it from the computer.

Well, I guess I am a stay at home dad, but I am not a stereotypical one. That's one thing I refuse to be.

Staying at home has its advantages. Like, if Will calls-

"Space unicorn souring through the sky"

Holy shit, I can predict the future.

"What's up, Babe?"

"I need you here."

My breathing hitched. Will didn't call unless it was his break, and his break was thirty minutes ago. That left the worst option.


To say I speed over there was an understatement

I'm pretty sure I broke about seven driving laws. I didn't care. When I got there my heart was beating out of my chest. A waitress was shouting at a lankly guy with too blond hair and a dark sneer on his face. It didn't match his pale skin at all.

I went into the back, remembering the way Will had described on the phone. By now my heart was beating out of my chest. I opened a door to my right and saw Will. His legs were pulled tight to his chest and his face was buried in his knees.

I heard a shaky breath fall from his lips and slowly walked towards him. I wrapped my arms around his side and rest my head near his neck.

"I'm here, Will. You can be okay." I murmured near his ear (or what I thought was his ear).

I kept my arms wrapped around him for a while.

"H-he," Will sputtered. "He wants to t-take D-Dan."

The back of my throat started to burn. No. No, no, no, no!

"H-he said- oh, god- he said he was his a-and I should have n-never gotten him, and- just- fuck." Will put his head up to look at me. "He's going to take Dan."

"No. He isn't, do you want to know why? Because we're not going to let him. He shouldn't be able to do this. He's put you through so much shi-stuff you don't deserve to deal with." I got up and started pacing around the room.

"He can't do this. He can't make us fall apart."

I'm not going to let him do this to us.

Octavian is not getting away with this.


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It's been YEARS.

So, this is the sequel.

Most of it will be in Nico's point of view because he is a main part in this story.

You guys will hate me for this story, just a heads up.

//Note bellow may breaks some hearts\\

I won't be making this a happy Disney movie ending. This will have some people die, have hearts break, and you mad at me.

I'll be collecting your broken hearts at the next window.

See you next chapter!

(P.s Sorry, not sorry, for the goal thing, I just feel like it will help me start a publishing schedule)

Operation Solangelo \\Sequel to Tattoos And Flowers//Where stories live. Discover now