Part 9) Tu Sei Un Ragazzo

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QOTP: Best childhood pet?

AOTP: A golden retriver named Doll.

So, there will be some Italian in this so I'm going to make it so you don't need Google Translate.

Shout out to Duolingle for helping me learn Italian. (It's an app not a person)

I'm going to start now

Nico's P.O.V

"Dada?" Dan ask me as I stepped out our room. He instantly made me smile.

"Yes, Danny Boy?" Dan looked at the floor sheepishly. His cute little cheeks puffed out.

"What does it mean when you says the words befores I goes night-night?" I was a bit confused. Will usually sings a song to him before he goes to sleep and after I say- oh.

I crouched down so I could see him better. "I say buonanotte," he looked up and tilted his head at me. "It means good night in Italian."

"Isn't Italian passghetti?" I laughed at his cute way of saying spaghetti.

"Italian is a language, Little Bear-" Dan giggled at the nickname. "-It's like how uncle Leo speaks spanish."

"Is hola Italian?" I wanted to squeeze him. He's such a cute, innocent little bean.

"Hola is Spanish. Spanish is like Italian but some words are different."

"Can I speak Italian?" Dan asked with his puppy dog eyes. If you think I'm going to say no, you're wrong. Honestly, he's got me wrapped around his little finger.

"You need to learn first Italian, Bean." Dan looked at me and I knew exactly what he wanted. "I could teach you Italian if you want..." I trailed off and his wide eyes lit up.

"Yes Please, Dada!" He squealed and started bouncing up and down. "I'm
Going to knows Italian!" He chanted and started to bounce even more.


Dan and I sat in the dinning room, as I thought of an easy thing to say.

"Tu sei un ragazzo, that means You are a boy." I told Dan who sat next to me with a pencil in his hand.
"I'll write it for you," on the paper in front of us I wrote down Tu sei un ragazzo and said it slowly.

"But if you're telling people you need to say io somo un ragazzo. That means I am a boy." I wrote that down on the paper as well.

"What are you two doing?" Will shuffled towards us.

"Imma speak Italian!" Dan said excitedly. "E-o so no aun ragazzoe!"

I laughed at Dans attemt. "We're working on it."

Will wrapped his arms around me and placed a soft kiss to my cheek. "Maybe you could teach me too."

I opened my mouth to say yes, but Dan interrupted very enthusiasticly.

"I teach you, Daddy! I teach you, you are a boy, and I teach you, water and please!"

"That'd be great, Dan." Will sat in the chair next to Dan. "How do you say boy in Italian?"

Dan turned to me and whispered in my ear. "How do you say boy?"

"Ragazzo, " I whispered back.

"Thanks, Dada." Dan turned to Will and said ragazzo proudly.

"Good job."

This is how we should be living.



I tried to make it longer but it would have been published later.

This is already late but a lot of stuff has happened this week.


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