Part 10.1) Keep Everything But Me

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I only wanted this story to have 10 parts so here's the end. I really wanted to make this story short cause I had no plot. Now that there is a plot I don't like it because it doesn't match as well with TAF.

Warning: they "break up"/Will wants a divorce

:Nico P.O.V:

Will and I have fought before, we just haven't fought like we are now. It was the smallest thing too. I just asked him who had called him during dinner. This entire month at exactly 6:30 he's been getting a call.

The first times he said it was the lawyer who was helping us see if we could press charges against Octavian. I believed that until I actually asked the lawyer myself.

"Please, Will, tell me who's calling. You don't have to act so secretively about it. I know it's not the lawyer or Jenna." I want him to tell me. We've never kept secrets from each other. He's been acting off since the first phone call.

"I told you, Nico. It's not important, just drop it." I followed him over to the bed.

"If it's not important you can tell me. It's not like it's another guy." 

Will looked at me with a guilty look that he tried to cover up.

"Oh, god." Was all I could say.

"S-so there's another guy?" I wanted to cry. This can't be happening, this can't be happening.

"No, Nico, listen-"

"How long have you been seeing him? Since the phone calls started; last month?" My eyes started watering and I started trembling. "Even longer than that?"

"Neeks, I'm sorry. I just- I couldn't - I didn't want you to find out this way."

"How else were you going to tell me? Hand me the divorce papers with a 'Hey, I'm cheating on you.'?"

Will couldn't look at me. Hell, I couldn't even look at him back.

"I- I'm sorry. "

"Three years, Will. We've been married for Three years. When could you have ever told me? Should I leave? Should you leave? Should I sleep on the couch?" Will's phone buzzed in his hand. I could see what the message said: 'Meet you at the hotel in 15 ;)'

"Go, Will." He looked like he was about to protest. "I need to think about this." I made a broad arm gesture. His shoulders slumped and he started walking to the door.

"I'll be back to get my stuff later," Will sighed and walked out.

I sat on our bed, well, mine now I guess. My head in my hands and his heart stain on the carpet. Why? Why, why, why?

"Dada?" I heard from the doorway. "Where's Daddy going?"

I looked towards Dan. "He's going to work," I lied. Dan's too young to have to deal with these things.

"Is he coming back?" 

"Yes, Danny boy. He'll be back tomorrow. Right in time for your birthday." I smiled and he giggled. 

"Good, Imma be five! That's a entired hand!" I chuckled at his words.

"Let's get you to bed, yeah?"

LMAO how do you like death? I enjoy death. (Death was this chapter)

I'm an asshole, I know.

Hope you liked it??? I mean, you probably didn't but oh well. 

((If you want a Birthday chapter tell me and i'll see what I can do))

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