Part 3: Wrong dad? Sorry

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QOTC: have you missed these?

AOTC: surprisingly, yes.

They told me they gave him to his dad, but that didn't make sense. The only three people that I allow to pick Dan up are Will, Tyler and I. Tyler knows only to pick him up when I need him to and Will's working.

I asked to check the sign in/out sheet and the lady said sure. But the only marks in the out side are the initials OAC. I took a picture of the signature.

I wanted to cry. Someone took Dan. Someone obviously can't mistake their child as someone else's. I think my face showed some distress because the lady at the front asked me: "What's wrong?"

"You gave my kid to a stranger! That's what's wrong. Now I don't know where he is, or who he's with and-" The lady inturpted me.

"I what?! Oh, my god! I'm going to get fired. We need to check the security footage. Follow me. Lacey! Take over my shift!" She lead me to a room with a small monitor. "He came at about," she thought for a moment. "2:30!"

She typed in 2:30 and sure enough there was Dan walking out with none other than Octavian Augustus. Fuck.


What am I going to do? What is he going to do to Dan? What's Will going to say? This isn't supposed to be happening. None of this should be happening. I could feel my face heat up and my eyes watering.


That was the last thing I said as I ran out of there.


Telling Will was the worst thing in the world. I told him to come home quick. I didn't want him breaking down at work. When he got home I didn't know what to say. So I blurted it out in the simplest way I could think of.

"He took Dan." Was all could say before starting to cry again.

Will just froze. He looked almost emotionless. "I- What?"

"Octavian took Dan." He sat next to me on the couch in a way where his knees were pressed close to his chest.

"He was telling the truth. Oh, god, he was telling the truth." Wills breathing hitched and that's when I knew he was crying.

"Who was?" I asked.

"H-he, uh, when he came to the restaurant he said he was going to take D-Dan back if I d-didn't talk to him." Will took in a shaking breath. "I didn't think he was actually-" a whimper escaped his lips and he could complete what he was going to say.

If this was a dream, I wanted to wake up.


Again, I know the chapter's super short, but hey, long and very infrequent or short and frequent?

I'm ending the chapter with the note that America's going to shit and I'm trying to convince my parents to let me move to Canada. If you know any nice places there please tell me.

If you haven't noticed I haven't been editing these chapters.

P.s this meme is life

s this meme is life

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