Chapter 1: The Lab

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The sun rose over MineCity and the birds began to sing. The suns bright light shone a beacon of hope for the new day to all lucky enough to catch a slight gaze of it.

MineCity looked beautiful, pure and innocent under the mornings gaze but the truth of the city was far from pure. The innocence of this city was taken a long time ago with the construction of the huge central quartz building named The Lab.

To most of Minecraftia's population The Lab was a symbol of hope and prosperity. However to the few people that knew the truth The Lab symbolised one of two things: Power and Money or Pain and Destruction.

The truth was a secret kept for many years only ever told to new employees and only ever seen by those inside. This secret was the truth of how The Lab got money and how they tested their new cures.

Many may wonder how such a secret could be kept from ever being heard but in reality the whole government and police department knew of the secret. This is simply because it was their idea, a plan to change the world but one that most would not allow so it was kept from the public.

The truth of The Lab was not actually in the quartz building but actually underneath it. The underground lab was much different to the one above. Instead of being fitted with pristine lab equipment and high tech laboratories the real Lab mostly consisted of 7*7 cells and huge "testing" rooms. It was also made out of quartz but it didn't glimmer or glow like the quartz on the exterior it was more faded and cracked.

This real Lab was the one that brought fear to people young and old and was the real way The Lab got its money and cures. The one above was mostly a decoy but was believed to be real by the outside world and most of the employees inside it.

You see The Lab had never got its money from donations like everyone beloved but instead it got its money from selling human experiments to armies that needed extra firepower. However the term "human" is used loosely on these young experiments as by the time they had been tested on and sold they were only ever half human.

Of course all of them had once been fully human just like you and I and they still would be if it hadn't been for The Lab. The Lab's test subjects mostly all started at the ages of 6-8 years old. These young innocent kids were taken from their family's by force and never returned forced to live eternity in the underground lab. If the family was around when the planned kidnapping took place they would simply be killed and the child would be left with no hope. However sometimes the kid would be alone at the time so no one else was hurt, this was a rare occasion.

The child would never return home but spend eternity in a cell or killing innocents by instruction. The kidnappers that worked for The Lab hardly ever left any evidence and even if they did the police would just pretend it all led to a dead end to protect The Lab from any inspections. There was no one to save the young captive, there never was.

After a day or two spent getting used to their new life's, the children were put through countless experiments and tests which would eventually kill them, give them new forms/ abilities or turning them into a failed experiment. Failed experiments were test subjects that were not given the abilities or forms wanted or test subjects that were given the wrong forms or abilities. These failed experiments would be executed unless proved useful or immune to The Labs means of execution.

The experiments were categorised into 4 generations meaning type of experiment. 1st gen are humans spliced with simple non hostile minecraftian mobs and are usually a success. 2nd gen are humans spliced with non-minecraftian mobs/modded creatures, these are usually a success but have a lower success rate then 1st gen. 3rd gen are humans spliced with hostile mobs and creatures and also some of the most feared mobs in Minecraftia. 3rd gen experiments have an extremely low success rate. 4th gen are humans that have been given unnatural abilities. 4th gen experiments also have a dangerously low success rate and are known to create the most failed experiments.

Whichever gen the experiments were the successful test subjects were either kept in captivity always being tested and experimented on (with new means of causing pain to the still young test subjects) or they were sold as killing machines as their new abilities would help armies win "wars".

Whichever path the test subjects life led they were never free. If they tried to escape at any point in their life, in captivity or in an army, they were sent back to The Lab where the tests and experiments just got more painful. All their life's would ever be filed with was pain and hopelessness.

However this story does not begin in The Lab but actually around 20 streets away with a little boy named Alex Smith.

Chapter written by Ellie/BrokenGenGamer

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