Chapter 5: Secrets and Lies

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As Doctor Hopkins got stuck in with her reports, her intern started to walk away from his bosses office. He had no plans or anything he had been tasked to do, so he set of on a mindless wander around the lab.

It didn't take long for the silence to allow Lewis to get lost in his thoughts. He started to think about his earlier conversation Doc H and their planned future engagement. Lewis knew it would never happen, it never does. Doc Hopkins always suggests somewhere for the two to go and talk about work but then something comes up which suddenly means she is no longer available. In truth Doc H thinks Xephos doesn't notice her lack of interest in discussing her work with him however he had just got used to being kept in the dark about the happenings of the lab.

Lewis had learned to be fine with never being given the full story especially when it came to the lab. All of his higher ups promised him he was being told the truth but after working in the lab for around 6 months, he has began to doubt them. Because of these thoughts, Lewis has decided that they are definitely keeping something from him, something that is of high enough importance that they don't want interns knowing.

Lewis's doubts first came from having long conversations with Doctor Hopkins. At the start of any conversation she would begin in a happy and caring manner but after a while she would start to change. First her smile would begin to waver and her tone would turn less caring and more demanding. Then she would mess up some of her words, sometimes calling the kids rooms "cells" and the kids themselves "experiments".

To Lewis the kids in the lab were born the way they are now, that the lab was only there to learn more about them by taking non-harmful tests and he was also led to belief that the kids could come and go as they please. However it was all a ruse spoon fed to the interns so that they would keep working without their humanity getting in the way and so they wouldn't feel obliged to tell anyone. Also to almost completely rid any chance of their secrets getting out, scientists at the lab were made to live in on sight homes only allowed to leave on short breaks. Even though Lewis knew something was up he had no idea what the secrets or lies could be.

Just as Lewis began piecing together his thoughts, he suddenly finds himself narrowly avoiding a wall his wandering had taken him to. Lewis had a quick look around to check if anyone had seen his almost disastrous daze, luckily no one could be seen. Before he started his last trip of the day to the break room, he noticed that the wall he almost walked into was in fact a large metal door and not a wall at all.

Looking closer at the door he realised he had never seen it before, not even anything like it. Lewis then had a second look at the corridor noticing he vaguely remembered seeing it when he and other interns were being told where and where not they were allowed to go. They were told this was the one place they were never allowed to go without the proper authorities. However instead of being scared off Lewis decided that there was a good chance that whatever is behind this door could be the secrets he is trying to find out.

It was at this point in time Lewis promised himself that he would find out the truth about this place and if such a quest takes him behind this door then he will do what it takes to get there. Whilst trying to find a way behind the door Lewis spotted an ID card read on the wall right of the door. Severely doubting his chances of having permitted access , Lewis inserted his ID card into the reader then awaited it's response. A second later the screen above the machine read  "Access Denied" in bright red writing, luckily no alarm was triggered probably because it was only the first try. After plan A failed Lewis looked around for a different way but a plan only triggered in his head after hearing a group of scientists near by.

As the small group of experienced scientists and interns walked around the corner Lewis joined them saying he was going the same way. He began talking to his fellow intern and new friend Veteran Harry whilst the other scientists were distracted with talking to each other. When no one was looking Lewis sneakily stole the ID card  of the female scientist in front of him. Before leaving the group he quietly checked the ID card to make sure the scientist would have complete access to the Lab. He recognises the scientist Doc E Andrews as one of the more experienced scientists and after saying his goodbyes, Lewis snuck back to the door.

When back at the door Lewis did not hesitate to inset the card into the reader,then safely place it back into his pocket for safe keeping until he gave it back to Doc Andrews later. When he looked back up, the screen read "Access Permitted" and the door had already began to open. With a smile Lewis waited patiently for the door to open however as soon as it did his smile was quick to disappear at the sight what lade itself before him.

Written by: Ellie/BrokenGenGamer

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