Chapter 4: Meet the scientists

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The door shut quietly behind the short blonde scientist, echoing throughout the equally quiet Quartz made hallway. Occasionally other scientists would pace up and down the halls, whether it was to meet with a test subject, showing the ropes to one of the interns or simply to take a trip to the break room for a quick coffee before resuming their earlier experiments. Some that passed nodded at the scientist in acknowledgement whilst most just ignored her, paying no attention to the warm smile that spread across her cheeks when a new person came into her vision.

With a quickened pace the scientist departed the area in front of subject Alsmiffy cell, heading off in the direction of her office, a small secluded room that was once a subject's cell. The subject didn't survive testing, so the blonde scientist converted it into a private office, with the permission of the higher ups. Some people liked to think that it was a memento to the deceased to the deceased experiment, as people knew how how kind and loving she was towards all of her subjects, but that was far from the truth.

The trip from visiting Alsmiffy, to her office proved uneventful to the blonde haired scientist, not once stumbling across her intern or her close "friend" Doc Jones much to her dismay. She was quite hoping for a conversation with either of the two, just to see how they were holding up. Because that's just the kind of person she was. Her short trip far sooner then anticipated for the young scientist, and before long she stood in front of a door. A black plaque stuck to the door with the words 'Doc. M. Hopkins' etched into the alloyed material. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she flung the door open, her hand tightly grasped on the handle as it swung into the room. Using the other hand, Doctor Hopkins flung her clipboard across the room, not really caring where it landed.

Breathing in deeply, she slammed the door behind her, the loud sound creating vibrations across the entire room. The blonde haired woman brought her hand up to her face, massaging the skin with her hand, erasing the once happy expression that was placed upon it. Soon there was absolutely no emotion present on the woman's face, it remained flat, and in some way bored. Doc. Hopkin's gaze shifted around the room taking in the lack of décor in the now white painted room. This made the already pristine room look blinding to those who stepped inside. White wasn't the first choice of colour that the scientist had, she preferred a darker colour, or to keep the room the same slate grey it was originally. The white paint lathering the walls made her eyes sting when she looks away from her computer after hours of typing up mismatched reports, mainly on the test subjects she has visited. Usually they consisted of whether or not they had been affected by the stimuli added to the room little by little over the days she visited them, until they noticed, or she simply got bored of that specific set of stimuli.

To all Doctor M. Hopkins was simple, rule following happy go-lucky character, always willing to lend a hand to those in need of her help. Protecting her friends and making sure they were happy by engaging in polite conversation whenever they were around each other. The was far from the truth! Doctor Hopkins was nothing but a sadistic witch in the eyes of those who hear about the goings on inside of the loan. The woman found nothing but pleasure from seeing those around her in agony, finding the truth behind everyone and anyone. Trying to find out what makes that specific person tick, and finding the most heart clenching way of torturing them. In her eyes it was for noting more then science. A simple hypothesis that had to be tested, and then written about before being filed in the depths of her computer, for her eyes only. No one knew what went on in her head, no one knew about the tests she ran, not even the people she 'trusts', the people who hired her and payed her. No one, secrets that the blonde scientist kept would ruin the world if they ever escaped. Doctor M. Hopkins was a very influential person, not one to be reckoned with.

Pulling of her lab coat and lightly hanging it up on a hook behind the door, she headed to her desk. She settled herself down on her chair, facing her computer and the array of old coffee mugs that she had been meaning to take back to the break room as the unnecessary clutter was giving her a head ache. Her room was at optimum working conditions and with every additional coffee mug that was added to her room, Hopkin's productivity dropped by 5%, as they only led to irritation, lack of personal space and procrastination. Not something that she wanted. She had a very high work ethic, known for being one of the most productive and well know scientists in the entire organisation, which of course created new enemies and acquaintances for the young blonde. This new addition to the woman's world didn't bother her in the slightest. Regardless of their relation to her, there was some way that she could mess with them, just to find out the basis of the human mind, and habits based off of different backgrounds.

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