Chapter 7

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I banged on the door and screamed until my voice cracked, my fists tingled and the scream echoed back to me.

I knew that I wouldn't get out, that I had to play the sick game I'd been thrown in. I was just a pawn on their chessboard. All was for naught. I sunk down, my back to the wall and tried to stay calm, to think my way out. I held onto the only thing that was real, the key.

The flame of the torch bounced as I held the key closer to it. The silver gleamed. A dolphin adorned the top, it's eye gleaming. I flipped it over. The back was flat, and plain. I dropped the key as my hand burned, but I soon discovered the reason. I had been holding the key too close to the flame. I picked it up, and noticed a shining number one engraved on the back. I walked down the descending staircase. It was surprisingly well light, considering that the door had likely been locked for quite sometime.

A single door stood at the end of the staircase, a small landing at the bottom to let me stand on solid ground rather than the staircase. It seemed ordinary, painted blue that was lighter or darker in some places. I ran my hand over it, searching for a handle. A sudden burst of cold swept over my fingers. It wasn't painted any color, let alone blue.

This door was made of water.

Curious, I tried to walk through the door. I was stopped, but found the lock keeping me from passing through. Wet and feeling ridiculous, I slid the key into it's matching lock, and heard rushing water as the door was released from it's unnatural shape. I couldn't help being filled with wonder as the magic water seemed into the ground, leaving me curious about the future ahead of me. I stepped into the room, finding a pond dotted with stones in the middle of a grassy clearing. It was serene, pretty even. I sat down by the edge and put my face over the water, looking at my reflection. A girl stared back at me.

Bright green eyes shone with worry and tension. Black glasses too big for her face framed them. Hair so blonde it was naturally yellow. Jeans that had rips and tears showing the pale skin under them. A white shirt that was slightly wet due to the door and rain. I was interrupted in my pondering by a girl as she came out of the water, slicking back her amber hair. She was enchantingly beautiful, wearing a light pink dress that seemed old fashioned. She sat in the middle of the pond on a small island. A key dangled from her neck.

"Hello." I said cheerily, though slightly confused.

"Oh, hello. Kathleen Fisk," she said, "the new celebrity." She giggled before getting up and hopping stone to stone until she was standing next to me.

"How do you know who I am?" I questioned, standing up to meet her eye.

She looked at me as if I was naive, "Well you have been meant to come here. Only," she slowly moved until I was between her and the water, "you can't leave. If you try, then someone is going to be dead." Smiling as if she hadn't said a death threat, she smoothed her bouncing curls. She was dryer than I was, despite coming out of the water. I thought I saw a dolphin tail from under her dress, but that was impossible, right?

"That's a very pretty necklace," I commented, gesturing towards the blue ribbon laced between a key with 3 triangular spirals adorning it, "where ever did you get it?" That key might be my ticket out of here.

"It was a gift! When I was moved here it was given to me. They told me to keep it safe. Normally I keep it at home, but with tonight being the full moon, and you coming..." her voice trailed off as she laughed, "I'm Primrose by the way."

"What a lovely name," I replied. I noticed a heavy steel door across the pond from me, and an iron lock on it. The key around her neck also shone iron, giving me the idea that the key would open the lock. If I could not get out of here, then I will play my way out, "Can I see your necklace?"

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