Chapter 12

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"Are you alright Kathleen?" She asked, patting my hand.

"Yes, I'm fine, just a bit tired." I admitted. It seemed either very late at night, or very early in the morning. Yet these people were going to have dinner soon. Vampires are weird people.

"Oh, my apologizes! We tend to forget that people aren't used to our schedule. I'd give you one of our rooms to sleep in, but since you're new it will likely be best to just put you with the Jacobs. It's terrible, but until we get used to you it's the best place we have." The queen tilted her head in a 'oh-what's-there-to-do' sort of way.

I thanked her and she lead me back into the entry room towards the hallway across from the dining room. There were no doors, just a winding staircase going down. We went down, and entered a dungeon of sorts. The guard, who must have known what was happening, politely threw me into the same cell as Caleb.

"How you doing fluffy?" The guard taunted, laughing. His friends joined in, insulting and taunting the young werewolf. The queen had already ascended the stairs. Sighing, Caleb didn't respond, he only signed, looked me over, and went back to sulking in his corner.

"Okay," I started, annoyed with them, "I've had it with you pathetic freaks. Keep insulting him, and I guarantee that everyone of you will know exactly what it feels like to have a wooden stake impale your heart." The vampires immediately shut their mouths, and looked at me as if considering their options.

"You're in a cell though." The four taunters observed.

"Wow! You really must be bright! Shame that you all talk like you're superior. Not even the queen does that." I jerked the tables the other way, now taunting them.

"You don't honestly think that you're better than your royalty, do you?" Caleb questioned, catching on.

"They don't deserve to rule. Anyone can see that, even Kibbles over there." The taunters were represented by a red eyed, red tied man.

"Well then why don't you revolt? You do outnumber them." I incited. If they revolt, we can leave.

"Henry is the one that truly deserves to rule. That boy understands that the hierarchy needs to be changed." Their representative continued.

"You know what, here." A different man tossed me the keys, "take your friends and get out of here. You'll make a great vampire if you ever need a place in the world. Just wait until after we change the royals around." Smiling, the four vampires darted away, telling the others about their planned revolt. In minutes, they had an army climbing the staircase. There was a sound of swords clashing and the battle started.

"You're brilliant." Caleb praised. I unlocked our cell, going down the line until all the Jacobs were next to me. Right by the staircase, there was a little boy.

"Please let me out. I don't want to be a vampire." He begged.

"You poor thing," I unlocked his cell and he hugged my legs, "what's your name."

"Mathew," he said, "what's yours?"

"I'm Kathleen, these are my friends, the Jacobs. What do you say we get out of here? I may or may not have just started a civil war." I smiled as he nodded.

"Katie," Richard called, "is that why there is fighting upstairs?"

"I just love trouble, you know?" I smiled.

"Alright," Horatio took the lead, "let's see if we can make it out alive, shall we?" He climbed the staircase, finding a trap door locked.

"We came in from that way, didn't we?" Cormac questioned, walking the opposite way backwards. We followed, but Mathew kept tripping, so Caleb carried him.

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