Poor Ice / Nyan Cat

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Ice: -stands up and walks into the corner, just standing there- Goodbye cruel world. -continues to just stand there, crying silently-

Toby: Waffles didn't help *^* -joins her in the corner, growing mushrooms-

Creepy: Hey Toby, don't grow mushrooms in other people's corners, get your own corner 

Toby: Okie -takes my mushrooms and goes to a different corner-

Creepy: While the two glooms are over there we have a dare from Rubixswag22, interesting username.

Rubix: I dare all of you to listen to the Nyan Cat song for 10 hours! I know it's truly evil but I have to know what your thoughts are!

Creepy: -puts headphones and play Nyan Cat on repeat, spins around listening to it-

Jeff: -listens only half of it and is already annoyed, destroys my phone- perfect

BEN: -listens to it, in the end falls asleep-

Jane: -sighs and listens to it, reads a very lengthy novel-

Slender: -listens to it and shows no reaction-

Sally: -sings to it for all those 10 hours-

Others: -die after 2 hours-

|10 Hours Later|

Creepy and Sally: -still listening to it-

Others: -dead-

Creepy: Well that is it for now, leave a comment, question, or dare, and I will answer it in the next chapter!

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