Jeff and BEN's Question and Dare

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Creepy: heyo everybody! I know I know I changed my username but I needed to update my profile since my instagram is the same username. Anyways we have a dare and question for Jeff and BEN. So we have ShaylatheheroRS ooo the RS part reminds me of Skydoesminecraft. Shayla give us the dare.

ShaylatheheroRS: I dare Jeff and BEN to sing "Children of the Night" aka "Come Little Children" while killing Herobrine.

Jeff: eh I don't sing

BEN: me either it'll be in reverse if I sing it anyways.

Creepy: oh come on do it for them.

Jeff: -sighs- alright fine

Creepy: HURRAY!

BEN: eh alright

Jeff: -sings "Come Little Children" starts to kill Herobrine-

BEN: -sings the song but in reverse and kills Herobrine-


Jeff: there happy

BEN: .....

Creepy: YUP! Now it's time for the question. DarknessAware it's time for you to answer your question.

DarknessAware: hewwwo :3 anyways BEN do you play every video game (like me :P) or are you picky (like Kara -.-) Also Jeff can I call you a lion :3 you have a lot of hair like one :3?

BEN: well I can beat Nintendo games quickly while other games it takes quite a while to beat and I'll play any game that I might like.

Jeff: no you can't call me a lion. Unless it makes me sound like a better killer name

Creepy: just let Darkness call you a león, dammit why did I say that in Spanish. Eh Spanglish the only language that's easy besides Polish. And it sounds like a better killer name Jeffery.

Jeff: okay, Darkness you can call me a lion.

BEN: lions are cats right or like part of the cat family?

Creepy: yea, you better not start treating Jeff like a cat you little cat person. You already sit on his shoulders and head.

BEN: NEVAH!! -runs away with a bunch of cats on him-

Jeff: uh okay......


Jeff: well thats all we have for today BYE EVERYONE and don't forget to smile and it's 2:53am so GO...TO...SLEEP!

( yea I'm doing this late at night )

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