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You're sweet to me.
You're kind
You're are everything I want

But, I have trouble believing your feelings are real. That their for me, and not your ex. That you like me for me and not for something, or should I say someone else.

You say I'm not some rebound. That you would like to date me eventually, but it's only been a week...

7 Days, 168 hours, 10,080 minutes, and 604, 800 seconds. Is that enough to get over seven months.

Seven months of love and emotion?
Seven months of falling asleep on the phone, and long text messages? Seven months of hugs and kisses?

I want to believe it is, I truly do. But everything in me says it's not. That you still have feelings, even if it's the tiniest bit. You still have them.

You are a pile of sticks and shes the spark you need to start everything.

You say she isn't, but I don't know anymore. I simply don't know. Are you giving me false hope? Please...

I feel guilty because I'm lying to my parents, to myself. It's consuming

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