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Why can't you kiss him? Why can't you hold his hand? Why can you give him some sort of affection?

Sure you kissed him on the cheek, but did you really want t o? Or did you just do it because your friends kept saying you should?

I don't know why I can't. I try to, but I can't.

I think I did it, so I could get it over with. And if he reads this he'll probably be upset, mad even. And trust me I can see why.

How hard can it be to be in a relationship with someone, where the idea of kissing is completely foreign.

Maybe I just feel guilty, sure she broke up with you. But she still loves you. She still cares for, probably more then I ever could, and I can't help but think that you guys are perfect for each other. That I'm just a temporary barrier. Sure you're happy with me, and I'm happy with you but for how long.

Or maybe I'm still stuck in the mindset that your my friend, did I just friend zone you? Maybe idk anymore. I don't get relationships.

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