
42 3 0

One thing I don't understand is how you seem to have everything.

It's like no matter what you do, no matter how crappy, you always come out on top.

I am always looking at you wondering about all the what if's.

You have the perfect body, everyone seems to like you, never have a shortage of guys at your feet, and tons of friends to go to no matter what.

I'm stuck here wondering, wondering about how you're so lucky. How karma hasn't come back to bite you, and it only has its eyes set on me. It's like I'm constantly paying for sins I didn't commit.

The few people i like, I have to share with you, because for some reason when they look at you all they see is the good. It's crazy that I have to choose my words carefully, tip toe around them so I don't offend them, and cause further damage.

Sure you lost one person, but they still come back to from time to time. Asking you questions, flirting, and you sit there and let them.

Thoughtsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن