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"Love is an element." - Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Akiva

It's weird, love. It's the one thing that can break friendships, form bonds.

For some people, they can meet someone and automatically know, this is the one. This will be the person I spend the rest of my life with, they'll be the person I'll marry and start a family with, I'll grow old with them. I'll make memories and traditions that'll last a lifetime, with them.

For others, it takes a few tries. Trial and error, before meeting that one person. The person that they'll share memories with. The person they'll learn about. They person who will show them a different perspective, a different way of life, because everything is different through someone else's eyes.

For others, the unlucky ones love isn't a thing they know, or a thing they have, or a thing they want. For others it could be all three.

For the ones that don't know love, the ones that are waiting, are stuck in an endless loop of trial and error. Moving from one person to the next, never able to find that one. Maybe their true love has a different agenda, a different destiny. Or maybe their true love has come and gone....

For the ones that don't have love, they could be waiting, or maybe they don't know what love is. Maybe they've never been show the proper way, and are forever cursed with the bad memories of love.

For the ones that don't want love, maybe the one person they loved, didn't love them back. Didn't love them in the same degree, or maybe even the same way. Maybe they have been hurt so many times, love is fictitious. It's not real, because if it was would they be stuck in this mess?

11:33 pm, February 10th

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