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Was it not enough?

Was it not enough that you destroyed my life at school? Was it not enough, I'm starting to loose myself?

Now, not only do you have an account on here, but you had to release your goons too?

Not only did i have to censor my life at school, but now I have to censor myself on here? Seriously it's like you're trying to destroy my life.

Can't I be happy, even if it's just for a little bit? Seriously?

Just let go, I have. But then you start new crap.

I can't do anything without you popping up in my life. I've tried to be civil, play it cool, but my fuze is only so long, and with each passing second it gets shorter and shorter.

Keep poking the sleeping bear, cause when it wakes you'll be sorry.

Move on, everybody else has...

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