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Is it bad I regret everything?
You meant so much to me, you let me talk to you when I needed someone. And I was there for you when you needed someone to. That's what made our friendship great.

You were the first friend I made this year, you were funny and nice and I enjoyed that. I enjoyed our friendship

I never wanted to let it go... Ever

Then we started to drift.

Our conversation soon became "yups" and "yeahs". There was no real meaning behind it. Everything was fine though, not great just fine. But I didn't care. I still wanted you in my life best friend.

One day we fell. I don't think we realized what was happening. It just happened. Too fast for us to catch.

We drifted. Then you have me a note. A note that ruined everything. Any chance of me forgiving you was gone. Because that note hurt. I don't think I've cried so much in one day. I lost you, and I let go...

However I still want to talk to you, I still want to be your friend for some reason. I think part of its guilt. The other part I don't know.

I see you sometimes, and want to act like nothing ever happened. Nothing. That everything is fine and we made up. That we never fell, that we never let go...

I feel like I'm missing part of myself, and I think it's because I'm use to having you there for me. Who can I talk to now. I have no one...

Granted I'm surrounded by people that love me but it's you I still want to be friends. Even if you did hurt me.

I feel bad.
Bad for liking your ex and wanting a relationship with him. I don't know. He said he's over you. But I don't think so.

I want to ask if you're okay. If you need someone to talk to, but I can't.

I'm losing friends and I'm losing myself. I don't want to, but I am.

This reminds me of too many bad thing that happened in middle school. Too many things.

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