Chapter 4

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Female Narrator: Well, it is a fairest weekend at ever after high,

Male narrator: And students at Ever After High is to enjoy at village of book end,

Daring Charming and his best buds, Sparrow Hood, Hopper Croakington II, Hunter Huntsman, and Dexter Charming, went to the Hocus latte.

They talked about really common things bys always talk about, sports and girls,

Also they teased Dexter about how he wooed Cupid the other day.

"Do you like Cupid, Dexter?" Hopper asked.

"What? No! Cupid is my friend," he exclaimed.

"But she likes you, little bro," Daring said.

"Don't friends always like each other?" Dexter said.

They laughed about what Dexter said, and just drank their hocus lattes

Later that day Daring was al alone walking in the town street, well not all alone, he has fangirls that used to folloq him anywhere. He liked the attention anyway.

He's off to go to the Book End Boutique to buy mirrors, one of his just got shattered.

As he is walking he passes through the Tower hair salon, where he saw Holly O'hair, daughter of Rapunzel, she's with her twin sister, Poppy O'hair. Theh were laughing and having so much fun. Poppy is styling Holly's hair and Holly looks like telling stories to her younger ( older) twin.

It caught Daring's eye, but he ignored it eventually, he is not supposed fall in love to any other princesses but Apple White.

After he bought his mirror Daring went to the hocus latte to grab another one. He adores lattes so much.

Suddenly he bumped into someone, "Hey, Holly," Daring winked.

It looks like the O'hair twins is up for some lattes.

"Uhm... hi, Hi, Daring," Holly greeted back. It was awkward.

Daring Charming is Daring Charming, who wouldn't have a crush on him? Everyone loves him, including Holly.

"What are you drinking? Let me pay for it," Daring said.

"Oh Daring, no need, I'm just buying some lattes for me and my sister, Poppy," Holly pointed to Poppy that is just sitting.

"No, I insist," Daring said, and ordered the lattes

"Well, thank you, Daring," Holly said when Daring handed the lettes to her.

Daring's Charming ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now