Chapter 6

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Female narrator: It is another school day in Ever After High,

Male Narrator: Students are getting ready for their breakfast.

Daring just got out of his room and was about to go to the CASTLEteria to grab his breakfast.

When he saw Holly and Poppy O'hair passing through.

"Hi Holly, Poppy," He said then winked at them,

Holly chuckled,

"Hi, Daring," Poppy said.

"Where are you two going?" Daring asked.

"Oh! We're going to the CASTLEteria to grab some breakfast," Holly answered.

"Oh well then, let me escort you to it," Daring said.

"Why, thank you, Daring," Holly said.

While walking to the CASTLEteria Holly and Daring are talking about their classes.

"Really, Daring, you're in Crownculus class at 2pm too?" Holly said.

"Yes," Daring answered.

"I didn't knew," Holly said.

"Well now you know," Daring said, then winked.

"So now we are in the CASTLEteria!" Poppy said then pulled Holly into the CASTLEteria. She was a bit annoyed of Holly disobeying her, she is the older sister anyway.

Holly didn't do anything to what Poppy did, but instead mouted the words "see you later" to Daring before she got away.


Later that day Holly and Daring saw each other at their CROWNculus class.

Holly didn't gave much attention to Daring because she knew Poppy will be mad about it.

"Holly," Daring called her out.

"Daring," she said trying not to look to him.

"Come sit here, beside me," he said as he tapped the sit beside him.

Holly came closer and sat beside him, "Poppy won't see me anyway," she thought.

While their professor is discussing Daring decided to talk to Holly.

"Holly, I didn't see you in the CASTLEteria during lunch," he asked.

"Oh yeah, me and Poppy went to the tower hair salon to get something," she explained.

"Oh okay, uhm Holly?" Daring said.

"Yes?" She answered.

"Are you free tonight?" He asked.

"Yes, why?" Holly asked.

"Would you go out with me?"

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