Annoy Esme - ;)

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10. Tell her that her children are spoilt brats.

9. Wonder if she's a saint for putting up with Edward, Jasper and Emmett for almost a century as her 'children'.

8. Ask if she ever pretends to be sick so she and Carlisle can play doctor.

7. Ask how it feels to have two sons who are older than her. Suggest that it might be vaguely Oedipal.

6. Rearrange her entire house, putting things where they shouldn't be. Especially useful if something breakable is placed right where it could be damaged, ie a vase on top of a bookcase.

5. Tell her Emmett decided to put her favourite vases and things together to create targets for ten-pin bowling. Inform her that he used watermelons and basketballs in the place of traditional bowling balls.

4. Hide her designing tools and equipment.

3. Pretend to be from the council. Tell her that she is forbidden to build or buy any more houses, as she has enough. Ask how many houses a person needs, regardless of how much money they have.

2. Tell her that the designs for her new house don't look good. Invent new colours for her to use instead.

1. Tell her that a century as a stay-at-home mom is long enough and that she needs to get into the workforce.


Hello my lovely readers I am back with annoying Twilight fairies - I mean Vampires

Hope you enjoyed this one and plzzz read my other book Would you rather Harry Potter or Twilight

Voote and comment and dont forget to tell me what main character have I missed

Love u all


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