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Nino tiredly rubbed his eyes as his alarm blared in his ears. He sat up and turned towards it, pounding his fist onto the snooze button. Nino slumped back onto the bed and began lightly snoring. A small green figure flashed in front of Nino's face
"Come on Nino, you have to get ready for school!"

"Ughh. Wayzz, please can't I just skip today?"


He peeked his eyes open and saw his kwami floating above him with his hands on his tiny hips, he looked a lot like a turtle with the dark green shell on his back and his short tail. The antenna sticking out of the top of his head was the only thing that kept him from classifying as a turtle. That and the fact that he could float and he was also a powerful fairy that could transform Nino into the superhero Jade Turtle. Nino was still getting used to the whole superhero thing but it helped that Wayzz was very wise and supportive. With one final sigh, Nino slowly dragged himself up and began to get ready.
"If you don't hurry up we might be late for school."
Nino ignored Wayzz and continued his same pace.
"And if we are late, you might not see a certain red-haired reporter."
Nino shot a glare to Wayzz and denied any feelings for Alya but even Nino couldn't deny that his pace had quicken at the thought of seeing her. Nino adjusted his signature headphones around his neck and headed down stairs. He said his farewells to his family, grabbed a muffin, and headed out to the bus stop. The bus pulled up a few minutes later and Nino stepped on. He felt Wayzz shift under his red hat as the bus driver shifted gears and jerked the whole bus into motion. On the ride to school Nino nervously twisted the miraculous on his wrist. It was a bracelet with a light green turtle shell in the center. He continued to twist and play with the miraculous until he saw his school come into view. Nino stepped off and checked the time on his phone. He was early and quickly made his way inside his classroom. He scanned the room and found a few people who were also early. Rose, Alix, Sabrina, Nathaniel, and sitting right behind his assigned seat was Alya. She was eagerly typing on her phone, probably updating the Ladyblog about yesterday's akuma attack. It wasn't Nino's first fight as Jade Turtle but he was still grateful for Chat Noir and Ladybug. Or should he say his best friend Adrien and his girlfriend Marinette. He found out their identities on accident when he didn't realize he only had a few minutes before his transformation would wear off and they both saw him as Nino. A few very awkward but also really cool moments later and Nino found out the superheros identities. Nino's previous thoughts disappeared as Alya called to him. He walked up to her desk and sat in Marinette's seat.
"What's up Alya?"

"Hey Nino! Nothing much just updating the Ladyblog on the recent akuma attack. I really tried to focus on Jade Turtle this time and I have some theory's about what his power could be."
Alya began to explain each of her theory's that ranged from the shield Jade Turtle used to why Jade Turtle was a turtle.
"I mean, not that he isn't cool or anything its just, why are the miraculous's all animals?"

"A Ladybug is technically not an animal."
Alya rolled her eyes and scoffed.
"So? It's still apart of nature and animals live in nature so."
It was a weak argument that Nino would have enjoyed starting just to see Alya get fired up, but he was rejected the chance when the bell rung signaling that class was starting. And, as usual, both Marinette and Adrien were late. They both entered just a few minutes later. The lesson began and seemed to last forever. Nino passed the time by thinking about the new music he wanted to mash up and mix to get a good demo started. He was happily distracted until he heard the teacher make a loud enough announcement to snap him out of his thoughts.
"I'm assigning you a 300 word report on the history of the Eiffel Tower. This is a partner project but before you get excited I will be choosing the pairs. Alix and Rose, Max and Sabrina, Nathaniel and Mylena, Adrien and Marinette-"

Adrien turned around to look back at his girlfriend and the both shared a cheeky grin. Nino rolled his eyes at the two but felt himself smile.
"-and finally Nino and Alya. This project is due next Monday and needs to be presented in front of the class. Thank you and have a nice day."
Nino felt numb for a moment but shook it off when a certain energetic reporter jumped in front of him.
"So Nino, do you wanna meet some place to work on the project? I would say that we could go to my house but I kind of have three younger sisters and I don't think that would go very well."
Alya chuckled to herself then stared at Nino and waited for his answer. She had very pretty eyes. Nino didn't want his family teasing him in front of Alya but he also didn't have any clue where they could go to work on the assignment.
'Eiffel tower? Nope everyone is probably going to be there working on their projects. Maybe we could go to Marinette's family bakery, no thats where Adrien and Marinette are doing their project. Come on Nino! Hurry up and say something!"
Suddenly Nino felt his hair being lightly pulled
"That bench by the river. That's her favorite spot remember?"
Wayzz whispered from under his hat.

"How about that wooden bench next to the river?"

"Yeah! That's my favorite spot! Wanna meet there after school?"

"Yep! Haha, um I'll be there!"
Alya smiled at him and headed to her next class. Nino sighed in relief as she walked out the door. Adrien nudged him with his elbow and raised his eyebrows before getting up to leave for his next class.
"You know Nino, you really need to work on your communication skills around your lady friend."

"Yeah tell me about it Wayzz."

"Well, okay of you want me to. First of all you get all sweaty and-"

"Not literally Wayzz!"
Nino laughed as he picked up his stuff and found his next class.

Nino sat on the wooden bench and admired the dark blue water. He listened to the water gently hitting the wall and making a soothing rhythm. He began to tap his foot to an imaginary beat and hummed as he tried to inspire some ideas for another collaboration of music for the next party he was going to dj at.
"Nice beat."
Nino jumped a bit at the sudden shock back into reality. Alya walked up to the bench and sat down next to him.
"Thanks Al."
Alya opened her history book and began to flip through pages.
"Are you working on a mix for another party?"

"Yeah dude! It's going to be so great because it's got a lotta beat so you-"
'Oh man! Did I really just call her 'dude?'

"Haha! Sounds great. You know I could let you ramble on about music and being a DJ but we really have some work to do."

"Hey what about you always talking about the Ladyblog and theories?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Nino. Come on, we have to focus."
She flashed him a mischievous grin. Nino's cheeks flared. He quickly got out his history book and began flipping through the pages. They worked on their project for an hour when they were interrupted by Alya's stomach growling loudly. Nino started to laugh and when he noticed the slight blush on her cheeks, he laughed even harder.
"Hungry much?"

"Shut up Nino. Come on, we should take a break anyway."
They packed up their stuff and began to walk to a small café near by. Nino watched Alya's curly red hair bounce while she walked. She glanced at him and he quickly found that the ground was really interesting at that moment. Nino held the door open for Alya and they stepped inside. They ordered their food and picked a table next to the window. Nino quietly sipped his drink and listened as Alya began to talk about Ladybug.
"I would really like another interview with her. I know of course that she's busy being a superhero but my followers have some questions that I can't answer and that is starting to irritate me."
She scrunched up her eyebrows and frowned.  Nino smiled, it was really cute.

"Nothing dude."
'There I go with the 'dude' thing again'
Alya shrugged her shoulders and continued talking.
"I want to talk to Jade Turtle again too. You can only gather so much info with one interview. I wonder who he is, and where he came from. I bet he's cool as a civilian too."

"You think Jade Turtle is cool?"
Nino felt his cheeks get warm. He was trying his best to remain calm but she was literally sitting right in front of Jade Turtle, she just didn't know it.
"Well yeah, he has a floating shield and he fights alongside two other amazing superheroes. I'm really excited to see what he can do."
Suddenly Kim slammed his fists on the table and leaned close to Alya's face.
"Whatever, Jade Turtle just gets in the way of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Remember the last akuma he tried to fight? Ladybug had to save him and he almost cost them the fight."
Nino felt his shoulders slump. Kim was right, he was just an extra that got in the way. Another pair of hands slammed the table, they were Alya's.

"That doesn't matter Kim! Jade Turtle is still getting used to his superhero form! And don't forget the first akuma attack where Ladybug didn't cleanse the akuma! It wasn't her fault she just didn't know because she was still getting used to being Ladybug! So don't be so quick to judge! I think Jade Turtle is doing his best and thats good enough for me."
She let out a huff of breath and Kim stalked off. Nino was gaping at Alya when she turned back to him.
"What? I get really passionate I know. I just can't stand to hear people hating on Jade just because he makes some mistakes. He doesn't deserve that. I think he's doing fine."
Nino nodded his head and smiled at her. She made him feel better, like he could do it. And he would do it, he would become a superhero Alya could be proud of. He'd do it for her.

Miraculous: Tales of Jade TurtleWhere stories live. Discover now