Need you

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Alya rushed out the school doors, pulling out her phone trying to press the record button. There was an akuma attack in the park and she wasn't about to miss it. When she arrived at the park she began recording Ladybug and Chat noir as they battled an akuma. It looked like it was going to be a quick fight, the superheroes already had the upper hand.
'Superheroes. Wait, where's Jade?'

Nino swallowed a spoonful of medicine that his mom insisted he take. It tasted disgusting, like a mix between dog barf and the schools casserole. He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv to try and distract himself from his stomach cramps. He flipped through channels until he saw a flicker of red and black. He quickly went back to the news channel and watched as Ladybug and Chat noir fought an akuma.
Nino jumped up and grabbed his cap.
Wayzz flew under his hat as Nino began to ran to the door.
"Where do you think you're going hm?"
Nino froze in place and slowly turned on his heel to face his mom. He smiled and tried not to look suspicious.
"I feel much better now! I think that medicine really worked, thanks mom!"
She looked at him strangely but she just smiled and waved.
"Okay sweetie! Be back for dinner."
Nino ran out the door and ducked behind a tree. He looked around, the coast was clear.
"Wayzz, transform me!"

By the time Jade got to the park, Ladybug had already captured the akuma and cleansed it. He rushed up to them and began apologizing over and over again.
"I'm sorry guys! I-"
Ladybug put her hand on his shoulder.
"Jade it's okay, it wasn't a very threatening akuma. We were able to handle it, there's no need to apologize I'm sure you have a good reason you were gone today."
Jade didn't feel like being sick was a good reason to not be there for his partners. They both looked at him as if waiting for his reasoning why he wasn't there, but he was too ashamed. Even if he had been there could he even had helped? Obviously they were fine without him. Before Jade Turtle, Chat and Ladybug did just fine on their own. They didn't even need him.
"Um. I'll take patrol tonight, you guys should take a break."
Ladybug started protest but Chat touched her shoulder and she stopped.
"Okay, I guess we'll see you at school tomorrow then?"
Jade nodded and watched them run off in opposite directions. He stood there in the middle of the park for a moment.
He turned around and saw Alya. Great, she was the last person he wanted to see. He felt so embarrassed. She must have saw everything that happened. How he wasn't even there to help. Jade couldn't just stand there and try to explain why he wasn't there. He threw down his shield and stepped on. He heard Alya call out his name again but he just flew back towards his house, but not before he looked back and saw Alya. She looked sad.
'Stupid. Thats Alya you just ran away from.'

"I know Wayzz!"


I checked my parents bedroom to make sure they were asleep before I went up to the roof of our apartment. I took off my cap and watched Wayzz flout in front of his face. Wayzz was frowning at him.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"I'm going to fix it okay? Just stop glaring at me."

"Not just that, Nino you know you are a valuable part of the team! Don't let one bad day ruin your feelings about Jade Turtle. You help out more than you think."
Nino just nodded. He transformed and began to soar over rooftops. Jade did Chats patrol and Ladybugs, he wanted to save his for last. Every thing was quiet as he made his way past the Eiffel tower. He looked at the glowing tower, the lights were beautiful. He thought that the world was more beautiful at night. Like the darkness revealed things that you couldn't see during the day. The stars were bright tonight and the moon was full of light. Jade sighed deeply.
"I'll have to face her soon or later."
Jade adjusted his footing on his shield and turned towards Alya's direction. He didn't rush as he slowly glided across rooftops. He was really dreading talking to Alya, she was probably going to be really upset.
"Well, you did it to yourself Nino."
He whispered to himself. As he neared Alya's house, he noticed that there was a person sitting on the roof. As he got closer he saw that it was Alya, her arms were crossed over her chest and she was staring straight ahead.
Jade landed a few steps behind her, he put he shield on his back. Jade took a deep breath.
"Can I join you?"

"I don't know, are you just going to ignore me and fly away again?"
Alya said as she continued to stare straight ahead.
"No. I'm sorry Alya, it's just that. I didn't want you to see me like that."
Alya patted the space next to her. Jade sat down and stared ahead.
"See you like what?"

"I-I was embarrassed and upset and kind of ashamed."
Alya turned towards him but he continued to stare ahead.
"Why? What's wrong?"
He glanced at Alya, she was staring at him. She looked genuinely concerned.

"The guys- I mean Ladybug and Chat Noir, they defeated the akuma. Which is great and stuff but, they did it without me. Sometimes I feel like I'm just an extra. Like I don't contribute to the team. Before I became Jade they handled the akumas just fine. I feel like if I was there that it wouldn't make a difference if I helped or not."
He closed his mouth, he felt like he might have been rambling. Jade looked up and stared at the stars. It comforted him. He felt a warm touch on his shoulder. He looked down and saw Alya.
"Jade are you serious right now?"
Alya suddenly punched Jade in the arm.
"Hey! What the heck Alya?!"

"Jade you know what? You are so important to Ladybug and Chat Noir! You are so important to Paris! Do you know how many time an akuma has almost hit Ladybug but your shield protected her? Or how many times you have defeated the akumas because of your unique powers? Jade, they rely on you more than you think! And you think that nobody needs you? Seriously Jade! If they didn't need you, if Paris didn't need you then..."
Alya looked down at her hands that rested in her lap.
"then I would still need you."
She looked up at him through her eyelashes. Jade felt himself freeze in place, he didn't breathe or move. She continued to look at him as she went on.
"Jade, you're one of my closest friends and I can't stand to know that you think this way about yourself. So please just think about what I said. You are more important to every one than you might realize."
She smiled up at him. Jade felt his ability to function properly come back to him. Alya held out her arms. Jade didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her. He buried his face in her hair. He felt her squeeze all the sadness out of him. How did she do that? He pulled back and Alya smirked at him.
"Now you better get some rest, you look awful."

"I could say the same thing about you Reporter."
She gently punched his arm as she made her way to the door leading inside her apartment. Alya turned around and smiled.
"See ya later JT!"
She closed the door behind her and Jade smiled. He stood there for a while until he felt his stomach cramp again.
He said as he hopped on his shield and held his stomach on the way back home. He was going to have to take that disgusting medicine again. He heard Wayzz chuckling in his head decided to put some of that medicine on his dinner tonight.

Miraculous: Tales of Jade TurtleWhere stories live. Discover now