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Jade Turtle soared above rooftops on his shield. It came in handy for the fact that it could float, blocked akuma attacks, and made him look really cool. He was almost finished with patrol, and with the area being split between himself, Chat, and Ladybug, it didn't take long to finish patrol. Jade was just about to turn around and head back to his house when he noticed a girl with half her body hanging out her window, phone in hand.
'Seriously Alya? What if she fell out the window?'
What if she did fall out the window? Jade adjusted his feet and directed the shield towards Alya's window. He watched her disappear from the window and he felt slightly disappointed he wouldn't get to talk to her. But as he was about to pass her house completely, a latch opened and Alya stepped onto a balcony. She leaned her elbows on the railing and waved to him. Jade adjusted his shield in between a crack in the wall to keep it steady. He looked up at her, she was only an arms length away.
"What are you doing here Michelangelo?"
She smiled at him.
"Michelangelo? I always thought I was more of a Leonardo."
He casually crossed his ankles but in the process he slipped and fell back. He flailed his arms and regained his balance, he nervously chuckled as he looked up at her. She stared at him for a second before laughing.
"Haha yeah, definitely Michelangelo."

"Please, don't call me that."

"But if I can't call you Michelangelo, what can I call you?"

"Um how about my name, Jade Turtle?"

"No I mean a nickname!"
She tapped her chin as she began to list off possible nicknames, some that were okay like Jade T, and others that were simply the worst like Turtle Guy.
"Oh oh I know! How about JT?"

"That's actually not bad."

"Hey! None of them were bad!"
Jade gave her a look and she lightly groaned.
"Okay fine, maybe some of them were bad. Why are you here anyways JT?"

"I was just patrolling when I saw you sticking half your body out an open window thats 3 stories up. I was worried you might fall."

"Thanks for worrying about me JT, but I've been in far worst situations."
She shrugged her shoulders and smiled. Jade felt uneasy thinking about her being in a dangerous situation. He would have to start keeping a close eye on her, not that he minded.
"What are you smiling about?"

"Huh? N-nothing!"

"Oh my do my ears deceive me or did the famous Jade Turtle just stutter?"
Jade rolled his eyes and reached up to lightly push on Alya's shoulder. She chuckled and pretended to stumble back. They talked for a while and Alya asked him more questions until she let out a loud yawn.
"I think thats my signal to leave."
Alya yawned again and rubbed her eyes.
"I guess it is, thanks for stopping by JT."

"My pleasure Miss Reporter."
She laughed and smiled down at him. Her eyes glowed golden in the dark and her hair fell down around her face. He reached up and gently rubbed a strand of hair between his fingers. He realized what he did and quickly detached his shield from the wall and zoomed away towards his house with his cheeks flaming red.


The fan art that inspired this particular story was created by peachgreenteelemonade on tumblr

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