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The last day of school was always filled with a buzz of voices all mingling together as the students got more anxious with every ticking of the clock. Every student counting the seconds to the final bell that begins summer vacation. Everyone had plans for the summer and were happily sharing those plans with their friends.
"Well I have some summer photoshoots I have to do in the beginning of summer but for the rest of my free time I'm going to sleep and eat nonstop."
Adrien said as he winked at Nino, he simply rolled his eyes, even the teachers knew that he'd be spending most of his summer with Marinette. Probably going to the movies or going on cute little dates or something. But Nino would be tagging along if Adrien had anything to say about it, Nino being the designated third wheel and all, at least he didn't have to be the third wheel alone.
"Well I'm focusing my summer on the Ladyblog, I've got to find more clues about the heroes identities!"
Marinette and Adrien shared a look and smiled at Nino in secret conversation.
"But of course that might be put on hold because of my moms job, she really needs me at home to be there to take care of my sisters, the hotel gets really busy during summer with all the tourists, she's usually in the kitchen from dawn to dusk, sometimes later than that. I wish I could somehow help her more ya know?"
She looked to the floor, a rare thing to see in Alya is her feeling upset, she's usually really positive and upbeat. Seeing Alya so upset made Nino feel powerless because he didn't have a clue on how to make her feel better, he didn't like to see someone in pain unless there was some way he could fix it. Marinette put her hand on Alya's shoulder.
"You're doing all you can already, simply helping with your sisters is more help tham you probably realize."
She smiled at her best friend, Alya slowly nodded and put on a brave face as she returned to her normal self. The final bell rang and a bunch of kids screamed as they ran out the doors of the school.
"Shall we go?"
Alya said as she slung her bag over her shoulders and began walking ahead. Nino quickly grabbed his bag and tried to match her pace.
"So Nino, what are your plans for this summer?"
Nino thought for a second, he couldn't tell her about being Jade Turtle and saving Paris on a daily basis, so he simply went with the next best thing.
"I'm going to work on my mixtapes and hopefully get some DJ-ing gigs this summer. I've tried out for some positions in town but everyone thinks that since I'm young, I won't take it seriously."
He shrugged his shoulders and gave her a half smile. She crossed her arms and huffed out a breath of air.
"Well that's stupid! You're the most mature guy I know! And the best DJ too if we're being honest."
Nino blushed and nervously rubbed the back of his neck and readjusted his hat.
"Thanks Al."
She looked at him and nodded, smiling to herself. Suddenly Marinette shouted from behind them.
"Look! A snowcone stand! Let's go! It will be the first snow cone of the summer!"
She said brightly as she dragged Adrien with her to the small brightly colored shack. Alya grabbed one of the straps on Nino's bag and pulled him along to the stand.
"I'm coming! I'm coming!"
He said as he tried to keep up with her fast pace. They stopped and waited in line, there was only one other person they would have to wait on. When it was their turn to order Marinette went first.
"I'd like a small bubblegum, no top please."
She said and smiled as she bounced a little on the balls of her feet, Adrien slid up next to her and ordered his.
"I'd like a ladybug, small please."
He smirked at Marinette and she simply laughed as she playfully punched his arm. Nino stepped up next and examined his options.
"A small rainbow please."
Lastly, Alya stepped up the the window, she leaned down and studied the menu board. Nino saw a mischievous smirk on her face but it quickly disappeared as she put on a straight face and said to the cashier.
"I'd like a ninja turtle please, small."
Nino felt his face get hot and against his will, he let out a small grunt. When the cashier handed her a bright green snowcone, she turned around and examined her friends faces. She blushed slightly and smiled nervously, also a rare Alya moment.
She said defensively, she turned and paid for all their snow cones. They began walking again and Marinette nudged Nino's arm and smirked at him. He thought he knew what she might do so he quickly shook his head no but she did it anyway.
"So Alya, how is your snow cone?"
Alya shoved a spoonful of green ice in her mouth and blushed again. She examined her snowcone and smiled down at it.
"It's sweet."
Alya giggled and sighed, then realizing what she had just done, she shook her head and lifted her chin high and began talking loudly about the Ladyblog. Adrien gently poked Nino, he smirked at Nino and raised his eyebrows. Nino shoved his friends shoulder and ignored his laughter.

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