Cold day

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"-10 celsius?!?"
Nino yelled and frantically rummaged his closet for his coat.
"Yes honey so be sure to wear something warm today."

"K' mom."
His mom shut the door behind her as Nino pulled out something warm to wear that day. As he pulled his arms into the coat sleeves he noticed his hat sitting on his bedside table. Nino walked into his closet again and dug through some boxes until he found his red winter beanie. He examined it, wondering if Wayzz could go unnoticed inside it.
"Hey Wayzz. Could you see if this hat will work for today?"
His green kwami nodded and floated onto Nino's head, he gently placed the beanie on his head and adjusted it so it wouldn't fall off. Nino checked the mirror and found that the beanie concealed Wayzz perfectly.
"How you doing up there?"

"I'm fine thank you Master Nino."

"It's just Nino dude. Yesh we've been over this a million times."
Nino said as he climbed downstairs and out the door. On his way to school, the wind started to pick up and blew snow into Nino's face. He took off his glasses to wipe them off when he ran into something.
"Hey watch i- oh it's just you Nino! Sorry I thought you were someone else."
Nino adjusted his glasses back on his face and the blurry image of Alya cleared.
"It's cool. So why are you standing outside of the school? It's freezing out here!"

"Because the doors are locked again."
Alya muttered as she kicked the door, but that backfired on her when the kick disturbed a snow pile above her head. Alya yelled as snow covered her head and slid down her body.
"T-that's j-just g-great."
She shivered and began brushing snow off her face. Nino held his hand over his mouth but when snow slid into her coat and made her yelp from the sudden cold, Nino burst out laughing.
"Oh, so you think this is funny do you?"
Nino shook his head no but was laughing out loud. Alya grabbed some snow from the ground and took hold of Nino's coat and dumped snow down his shirt.
"Ahh! Hey that's cold!"

"Well that's what you get when you laugh at other people's pain!"
Alya shivered again and so did Nino.
"I hope someone opens the door soon."

"Well they better hurry up because I'm freezing and there's no wifi out here!"
Alya took out her phone and began furiously typing on the screen, she shivered again. They stood there for a few more minutes until all Nino could hear was Alya's teeth chattering.
"Well I'm not becoming a human popsicle anytime soon."
Alya said as she leaned onto Nino. He felt his cheeks getting red and felt glad that he could blame the redness for it being cold outside. Nino leaned his head on Alya's as they waited for someone to open the doors. Finally a janitor noticed the two standing outside and he rushed over to open the front doors.
"Hey what are you kids doing here?"

"Um we're going to school?"
Nino said it like a question.
"Did you kids not get the memo? Schools canceled today due to the snow."
Alya and Nino both face palmed as they picked up their bags and began to walk back home.
"Ugh well that was a waste."
Alya said as she shoved her hands into her coat pocket.
"Maybe it doesn't have to be a waste, wanna go get some hot chocolate with me?"
Nino asked as he smiled down at Alya. She looked back up and smirked.
"Only if you're paying mister dj."

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