Nosy reporter

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A young middle school girl walks to class that morning. She had been studying every night that week for an important test. She knew she could ace the test and make her parents proud. On the other hand, a young boy had given little thought towards the important test and was planning to wing it.
She checked her watch, she was late again. The girl ran to class and called out to her teacher as he shut the door in her face. She knocked frantically, the bell hadn't even rung yet and he had closed the door on her. The door open suddenly and her teacher glared at her.
"Late again? Always knew you were trouble Miss Lewis."
She walked past him and sat in her seat. The boy was already there and was lounging in the seat next to her, his feet propped on the desk. He smugly smiled at her and she clenched her fists in irritation.
"Okay class, this test is very important and will count for three grades. Absolutely no talking, texting, or cheating. If you break any of those rules you get an automatic zero. Any questions? Good. Now get started."
She flipped open her packet and began her test, little did she know the boy next to her was copying every answer.
"Okay class, pencil down and bring me your tests."
The class was dismissed and the girl left for her next class. Later that day the principle came on the intercom.
"Macey Lewis come to the principles office."
She thought that was strange, she hadn't done anything wrong that she could think of. When she entered the office, the boy she sat next to in first hour was slouching in one of the chairs, her first hour teacher was there too, glaring at her like always.
"Miss Lewis, can you explain why yourself and Mr Evans got the exact same answer on the test?"
Her first hour teacher said as he gestured to the boy that sat next to her.
"I don't know how that happened. I didn't cheat though."

"Oh really? You have a C in my class young lady, can you explain how you got a 96% on this test when you have been making grades in the 60% and 70% in my class?"

"I was studying at home this whole week!"
She was starting to get upset, she really wanted to make her parents proud. If she got in trouble for cheating then she might as well not even go home.
"What do you have to say to all this Mr Evans?"

"Coach, you know me. I don't cheat, that's just wrong. You guys have seen my grades, high A's. Now that doesn't mean I'm saying Macey was cheating on me, although she does sit right next to me."

"What! I would never cheat!"

"That's enough out of you Miss Lewis. Now it's clear to see what happened."
Her teacher said as he looked at her with a blank expression. Maybe he actually believed her.
"Macey, cheating is a violation on the test so I will give you an automatic zero in the grade book. I hope you learned your lesson."
She stood there with her mouth hanging open, the boy actually came up to her and patted her shoulder.
"I hope you study next time."
He smiled at her and left the room. She slowly picked up her bag and was heading to the door when her teacher called her name.
"Here's your test Miss Lewis."
He handed her the answer sheet with her name on it and a big red 0% written across it. She slowly walked out of the room. Her vision was blurry so she blinked and a stream of tears fell from her face, she decided to skip class. She went to her favorite spot in the whole school. She opened the doors of the library and sat in the corner and hugged herself. She stared and the big red 0% and buried her head in her arms. But what she didn't see was the strange purple butterfly that landed on her test and a glowing purple outline of a butterfly covered her face.

Nino quickly scribbled down notes for his physics class. The teacher was talking so fast he could hardly keep up. He sighed in relief when the bell rang, dismissing the class to go to their next period. As he walked he could hear yelling outside the front doors. He saw a flash of red zoom past him.
She didn't stop running but she did slow down enough to glance back.
"There's an akuma attack! I'm going to go film it! Bye Nino! Stay safe!"
She yelled over her shoulder as she opened the doors and they slammed shut behind her. This was just great, he could feel his stomach start to turn so he took a deep breathe and ran into the guys restroom. Nino lifted his hat and Wayzz flew out from under it.
"Are you ready Nino?"

Wayzz looked at him skeptically but Nino held out the wrist with the miraculous and yelled
"Wayzz, transform me!"
A flash of green and a few blocks later, Jade Turtle found the source of the akuma. A girl that called herself 'the Cheater' was throwing attacks at Ladybug and Chat Noir. Jade rushed up next to them and began deflecting really sharp looking pencils.
"What's the situation?"
He yelled over the sound of Cheater's scream.
"The akuma is in the paper she's holding but we can't get close enough to cleanse it!"
Ladybug yelled back. Jade looked back at the akuma as she switched tactics to shooting protractors at them. The protractors acted like a boomerang, so when we avoided one it just came right back. Jade decided to try and get closer to her so he sprinted forward, he covered his face with his shield but instantly regretted it when his shield was suddenly ripped from his hands. He looked up and saw Cheater standing directly above him, shield in hand. She threw the shield to the side and she smiled down at him. He felt goosebumps cover his body as he kneeled at her feet completely vulnerable.
Cheater and Jade both snapped their heads towards the noise. It was Alya and she was waving her arms and yelling.
"Hey! Cheater! Over here!"
Jade watched in slow motion as Cheater walked towards Alya. He acted out of instinct and ran over to where she threw his shield, he jumped on his shield and flew over towards Alya as fast as possible. Cheater was standing in front of Her but Alya held up her fists and got into a fighting stance.
'Stupidly brave.'
He swerved in front of Alya, separating her from Cheater, and shoved Cheater as hard as he possibly could. She stumbled back and Chat Noir grabbed onto her. Jade turned around, slid one arm under her knees and the other around her shoulders, carrying her bridal style. Putting weight in his feet, the shield soared a few feet above the ground. Alya pushed his chest and yelled.
"Hey! I was filming that!"

"Well you've just lost your filming privileges!"

"Put me down JT!"

He stopped suddenly and lost his balance, immediately regretting his decision as he stumbled forward with Alya still in his arms. He caught himself by kneeling down on one knee.
"That was too close."
He muttered under his breath. Alya looked slightly startled but quickly got over it as she wiggled out of his arms.
"You almost dropped me."

"No, I almost fell with you in my arms. Not the same thing as dropping you."
She rolled her eyes and was about to say something else when a flash of pink lit the sky and a million little ladybugs flew the sky fixing all the damage The Cheater must have created. The worst was over, for now. Jade walked over to his shield and hopped on.
He looked back and Alya was fidgeting with the ladybug charm on her phone.
"Thanks for the save by the way. Although I'm still going to blame you for the missing footage."
She smiled up at him while he laughed.
"Okay fine, as long as no angry army of fans attack me, you can blame me. And please,don't put yourself in danger again, I don't want anything to happen to you."
Alya nodded as Jade flew up and above the rooftops. She watched him as he left and she smiled the whole way home.

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