Natsu x Reader

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(YN) =your name.
(HC)= hair color.
(NN)= nickname.
Magic: Gravitational magic

You were sitting at the bar waiting for your drink when another fight started. "Are you going to join in (YN)?" Levi asked as she sat on the stool next to yours, "No, I decided that I'm not going to fight today." You said as you turned to watch the fight. "So who started it today?" "You won't believe it, but Lucy did." Levy said pulling out a book, "No way, so they finally broke the princess. What happen-" you were interrupted by a chair being thrown into your stomach. "Oh my (YN), are you okay?" Mira asked as she placed your drink on the counter. "Yeah. I'm fine Mira, it was only a chair " you said smiling at the white haired woman. "Jeeze, you're one of the only women in this guild that can smile after being hit by a flying object (YN)." Levi said sweat dropping "Naw, it's nothing compared to a-" "Wah! Look out!" You barely had time to look up when something crashed into you making you fall to the ground. "Ah, hey (YN), thanks for breaking my fall." Lucy said as she got off of you. You just glared at her as you stood up. "Okay! Who threw this blond mage at me!" You yelled making everyone stop fighting and look at you. "I did!" Someone yelled from the middle of the bunch of people. "And why the hell did you do that Natsu?" You asked walking towards the male's voice, "because, Lucy isn't any fun to fight, but you. It's always a blast." Natsu whispered in you ear from behind you, making you turn around ready to punch him but he wasn't there, "above you sweetheart." You looked up to see him falling ready to attack but you jumped out of the way "Gravitational change." You said as you swung your arm to the right sending Natsu flying into the wall, "what the hell kind of reason is that?! And don't call me sweetheart!" You said turning towards the door. "Oh no Natsu, you're really gonna get it now." Someone from the crowd said as everyone followed you to the front of the guild. "Look (YN) I was only teasing earlier, don't get ma-" Natsu got interrupted by his head smashing into the ground. "Throwing a person at me is teasing!?" You yelled as you walked up to his body. "What. No, that was an accident. The thing i said in the guild, THAT was teasing." Natsu said as he sat up brushing the dirt out of his hair. "Well I guess this is an accident too then." You said as bent over to smile sweetly at him. "What, what are you- woooaaahh!" Natsu tried to say as you flicked your wrist up and sent Natsu flying into the air. "Wow, she's sending him up really high." "Yeah I can't even see him." "Hey, she dropped her hand." "Do think she will catch him" "well duh, she always does, after all they are" "aaaaaah!" Natsu yelled as he came falling to the ground, but stopped inches before hitting it. "Woops." You said as you dropped him with a thud walking into the guild hall. "You really got her mad this time flamebrain." "Yeah what you gonna do Salamander?" Gray and Gajeel said as they walked up to the Fire dragon slayer "Shut up, just watch, she can't stay mad at me." Natsu said as he walked into the guild. You were sitting back at your spot at the bar enjoying your drink when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. "What are you doing." You said as you put the mug down. "I'm hugging you, you know you really hurt me back there, I might need medical attention." Natsu purred in your ear. "Then go see Wendy", you said as you changed Natsu's gravity again making him float just above the ground as you turned around. "Wow (YN) you really sweep me off my feet." Natsu said smiling at you, making you blush lightly. "I can do more than that, I can send you to the moon and back." You said smirking at the pink haired man. "Fine with me." Natsu said as he moved his face closer making you blush harder. "As long as I get a kiss for the journey." He said as he moved his face even closer. "Woops." You said as Natsu fell to the ground again. "It was an accident " you said as you bent down to his level, but he grabbed your waist and pulled you down on top of him. "Woops, it was an accident." Natsu whispered, as he smirked at you making you blush harder. "I love you (YN)" "I love you too Natsu." You said as you kissed him. "Aawwww." Everyone said around you two making you laugh. "Why do you guys always do that, we've been dating for 3 months already." You asked standing up. "Well you guys are just to cute!" Lucy said as she walked up to you. "Yeah (NN) you and Natsu are adorable after a fight." Lissana said, "and I think you sent big sis into a love induced fit again." Lissana said as she pointed to the bar were Mira had hearts in her eyes mumbling about (HC) haired babies. "Oh no, when did that start?" You asked sweat dropping, "since Natsu wrapped his arms around you." Lucy said smiling nervously. "Well if she wants (HC) haired babies we should oblige don't you think (YN)." Natsu said picking you up over his shoulder. "What, no Natsu put me down! We aren't even married yet!" You yelled while blushing madly making Natsu stop in his tracks putting you down. "Okay then. Let's get married then." Natsu said smiling down at you. "What! That's not how you're supposed to propose Natsu!" Lucy yelled. "Fine then oy Happy! Bring it over here!" Natsu yelled over his shoulder not taking his eyes off of you "Eye sir!" Happy said flying in front of you blocking your view from what they were doing. "(YN)" Natsu said as he got down on a knee making you go wide eyed. "Will you marry me?" Natsu asked opening the small box happy gave him reveling a small diamond ring in the shape of a dragons egg. "Well will you?" Natsu asked again getting nervous. "Yes, yes Natsu I'll marry you." You said as tears fell from your eyes. Natsu jumped up and spun you around as everyone in the guild cheered. "To celebrate the happy moment, drinks are on me!" Makarov yelled from the second floor.

(5 months later)
The wedding had finished without a hitch, except for the fact Natsu was so nervous he melted the plastic off of his shoes so he had to wear his sandals. "Now it's time for the bride and groom's first dance." The DJ said into the mic. While everyone cleared the dance floor for you and Natsu. You were really scared about dancing with him because the last time you two danced you couldn't walk on you left foot for 3 days, but this time he was spinning and dipping you like he was dancing for years, "wow Natsu, you're doing great." You said when he pulled you close, "well I had Lucy teach me." Natsu said blushing lightly. "Really, that's so sweat of you to learn to dance for me." You said smiling at him, "well last time we danced you didn't leave your house for 3 days and I don't want that to happen again." He said making you chuckle "oh I love you. Mr. Dragoneel." you said as you placed your head on his chest. " I love you too Mrs. Dragoneel".


Yosh, I wrote this, tell me what you think, and who should write about next, okay well bye! And you should check out that picture, yeah I drew that pretty proud, lol okay now bye!

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