Laxus x Reader (Sad)

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You woke up in the infirmary in the guild hall, "what the hell happened?" You thought out loud as you sat up looking around to see if anyone was in the room with you. Then you remembered, '"(YN)! What the hell are you doing I told you to leave with the others!" Laxus yelled at you from the top of the giant lacrima. "No, I'm not leaving you here by your self!" You yelled as tears fell from your eyes. "Go! You can still make it out if you lea-" "No, I don't want to leave your side Laxus! Not when I just got you back!" You screamed as a piece of the building fell behind you. "I can't let you do this alone, we were always together when we were growing up, we did everything together no matter what, we laughed together, went on adventures, got in trouble together! Well I want to do this together to!" You yelled at the lightning dragon slayer as he stared at you in shock. "But you can-" "I know what can happen, but I don't care as long as I do this with you." You said as you climbed to the top of the lacrima, "please (YN), I don't want you too-" "I won't, I promise." You smiled at Laxus as tears fell from his eyes you held out your hand, "together." "Together." Laxus said as he grabbed your out reached hand pulling you into a kiss.'

You slowly walked out of the infirmary room into the guilds main hall. Everyone was quiet, there were no fights, no talking. no laughter. Everyone was just sitting around quietly like someone. Died. You silently walked up to Mira who just stood behind the bar looking at nothing in particular. "Hey, Mira. Where is lax-" your words got stuck in your throat by the look she gave you, you didn't even have to hear her answer, her eyes said it all. That night. Laxus died, and you didn't. You turned around and ran out the door, towards the Fairy Tail graveyard. You didn't want to see it, but there it was. The statue of a Fairy with angel wings, and the name that was engraved in it was his. Laxus Dreyar. You fell on your knees as tears fell as you thought back to that night. 'After laxus kissed you the lacrima exploded, you were thrown backwards as laxus took in the explosion. He absorbed most of it before you blacked out. You woke up for a few minutes to see laxus lying beside you bleeding from his mouth. "Laxus. Laxus wake up! We have to go back to the guild and-" you passed out again from blood loss.'

Flashback: "Hey newbie, whats your name?" A blond boy asked as he walked up to you. "My names (YN)." "Cool, I'm Laxus, my grandpa's the guild master." The boy said as he smiled brightly at you. (Time skip) "" Hey (YN) wanna go on mission with me? Gramps said I can finally go on one alone." Laxus asked binding up a piece of paper, "Okay, when do we leave?" You said running up to him. (Time skip) "Laxus! Laxus where are you!" You yelled as you ran through the woods. Stoping when you see a lightning bolt in the sky. "Laxus, talk to me please." You said softly as you walked up to the teen as he electrocuted another tree making you flinch back. "Why? Why would he execute my dad? His own son?" Laxus asked as he turned to you a tear falling from his eye, "what your dad did. It wasn't right. It could have killed someone, gramps was only doing it to save the guild. To save you." You said as you hugged him but he just pushed you away, "your just like them. You don't get it!" He yelled at you making you shrink away. He just looked at you and walked away. "Laxus please, I love you." You said to his back.
Flashback end.

You sat in front of Laxus's grave crying, "Laxus why did you push me. We were supposed to be together till the end. Laxus please come back. I love you." You cried out as you fell to the ground a sharp pain in your stomach. You looked down to see blood drenching your shirt, you lied on the ground looking at the sky as blood seeped from your wound. 'I love you Laxus.' You thought as you closed your eyes. "I found her!" Someone yelled in the distance, "oh my god, someone get Wendy! Now!" You opened your eyes to see Lucy holding your stomach. "Hey (YN) stay with me okay, don't close your eyes." Her voice got further away as your vision blurred untill you closed your eyes again.

"Hey (YN) are you feeling okay." You opened your eyes to see someone leaning over you. "Can you stand up?" "Yeah, I'm fine." You said as you stood up looking around to see where you where. "Hey (YN) wanna go for a walk?" You turned around and smiled "yeah, that sounds like a good idea." You said as you grabbed his hand. "I love you (YN)" "I love you too. Laxus"


Okay I'm sorry but I had to. Thanks for reading though. :)

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