Bickslow x reader

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(YN)=your name

"Tsk, ouch, ow, damn that hurts, OW." You yelled while Wendy and Porlyusca tended to your wounds, "well it's going to hurt, Broken ribs, and a fractured ankle, what the hell were you thinking walking all the way back here?" Porlyusca asked wrapping your injures, "well I wanted the best help and that was you guys, and I promised I'd come back as soon as my mission was finished. You don't want me breaking my promises do you?" You asked teasingly, "of course not, but you have to take care of your body as well (YN), you can't go around with broken bones, what if it was something worse?" Wendy said cleaning a cut on your head, "tsss, well the worst thing that could happen is death, and I won't be coming back from that, so if it's not that, I'll always come back here no matter what, because this is my home." You said smiling up at her, "well you better not go dying on me (NN)." Some said from the door, "Yeah (YN), I don't want you to die." Wendy cried out, tears brimming her eyes, "Oh No, Wendy I'm not dieing! I promise." You said pulling Wendy into a crushing hug, promptly getting smacked in the head, "I am still working here so stay still, and you," Parlyusca said pointing at Bickslow "Get out. You're distracting my patient." She said turning back around wrapping a bandage around your leg, "Yeah, yeah, tell me when you're done here though, I wanna talk to her still." Bickslow said turning to leave. "Wow, he really cares about you (YN)," Wendy said as she started healing your cuts, "Yeah, it goes both ways though, when ever he comes back from a mission I make sure to be there, and when he's hurt, I stay by his side as much as I can." You answered, feeling the pain and tension leave your body. "Why is that girly?" Parlyusca asked, "he saved my life." You said smiling at the memory, "It was before I joined Fairy Tail," "What happened?" Charla asked. "Well I was only 13..."

You were sitting in your bedroom, when an explosion went off outside, your mother came crashing through the door, "(YN) we need to leave. Hurry!" She yelled grabbing your hand and dragged you through the house to the front door. Your town was on fire, there were people running and screaming through the streets. "Momma, I wanna go back inside." You said trying to get out of her grip, "No, we have to get out of here." She said running towards the forest, "Momma, watch out!" You screamed as people chased after you with swords and magic weapons. "Hold on to me and close your eyes." Your mother said holding your close to her chest, you held onto her as tight as you could squeezing your eyes tight. You felt your body go weightless against your mother's as you opened your eyes to see that you were floating above the town, "momma, we're so high up you said letting go of her to stretch your arms out like wings, " no, don't let go." She said as you got nocked out of her arms, you looked up at the sky as you free fell to the ground hearing your mother scream your name off in the distance somewhere. You screamed out as you fell closing your eyes bracing for impact, but you got caught by someone wearing a mask as he jumped to one building the next, once he stopped at the edge of the town, he placed you on the ground. "Okay just run that way, there is a river. Wait there and I'll come back for you." He said turning around running back to the center of town. You where walking through the trees when you heard voices coming behind you, "I saw people running this way!" "Well don't let them get away, we have to kill everyone!" You heard two men talking. You ran towards an old oke tree, "There, I saw something over there!" You heard one of them yell, "Well go check it out then!" The other ordered, you ducked into a bush, as you heard footsteps come closer, you pulled your legs in as far as you could to your body, after a few minutes you crawled back out and ran towards the river, as you reached the river you got grabbed off the ground, "I knew I saw little mouse earlier." The man that grabbed you said, "PUT ME DOWN!" You screamed, "HEELP!" "No ones going to hear you all the way out here sweetheart." Another man said as he pulled out a knife, "Well aren't you just cute." He said walking up to you as you struggled to get out of the man's arms, "You could have grown to be a beautiful woman. To bad." He said lifting the knife, swinging it at you. You closed your eyes again, but you didn't feel anything, you opened them again to see that the masked guy was holding the blade, "What the hell!" The man holding the knife yelled, the masked guy kicked out sending him into the river, "Who the hell are you?" The man holding you asked as he tossed you to the ground, "My name is Bickslow. A member of Fairy Tail" He answered sticking out his tongue showing his Fairy Tail emblem, "Fairy Tail? Ha who cares, your still going to die!" The man yelled throwing an attack magic at Bickslow, he nimbly dodges it and grabbed him by his collar lifting him into the air. You turned and ran ran back towards the town, "momma! Where are you?!" You yelled as you ran through the streets towards your house, "(Y-YN)" you heard someone call weakly beside one of the buildings..."

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