sting x reader

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(YN)=your name
Magic, requip.
Hello fellow FT fans, this chapter is gonna be short because I personally don't really like Sting, I mean I like his character but I just don't like him the way I do Gray... I am sorry you Sting lovers reading this story, I'll try make another Sting story down the road.

You were walking through an unknown town trying to find a place to sleep when you noticed a fluff of blonde and a flying cat in the crowd, rushing toward them, you were stopped suddenly by three men who seemed to have had quite a lot to drink recently, "why looky here, don't we have a lit-little cutie pie. Wa-wanna come have a party with us?" One of the drunks slured leaning down towards your face breathing out the strong stench of alcohol all over you. "Um, no thanks, I gotta go somewhere actually, so if you'll just-" "What? Come on it'll be fun." The man on the right said grabbing your arm, "Yeah, we'll show you a great time." The man on the left said grabbing your other arm, "really, don't you think this is a little, idiot know, cliché" you said rolling your eyes. "Shut up and listen to what I say and you won't be hur-" "hey (YN); do you know these guys?" Lector asked from behind you, turning your neck far enough to see him you smiled at the flying cat and the blonde teen beside him, "no, not at all actually. I think they plan on trying to take advantage of me." You said calmly, "really, they must be pretty stupid to try do something like that to someone as strong as you, well not as strong as Sting, but still strong." Lector said triumfantly while sting laughed half-heartedly, "just hurry up (YN), we need to go back to the guild for the party." Sting said sounding agitated, 'shit he's mad again' you sighed dropping your head, "ahahah some boyfriend, he just gave you to us!" One of the men laughed as they tried to drag you down the street again, "requip." You said calmly, swinging your arm a sword forming in your hand, hitting the man to your right with the hilt of the handle, kicking out at the one standing in front. The guy on your right grabbed a chunk of your hair and pulled you against his body forcefully, gasping from shock you dropped your sword, no one has ever pulled your hair in a fight before; and it shocked you greatly.
"Listen just shut up and I won't stick this through your spinal cord, got it?" The man stated pushing a sharp object against your back, stiffly he pushed you forward a few feet before dropping to the ground limply, tearing the back of your shirt with the dull blade he had pressed against your back.
"Didn't I tell you to deal with them quickly?" Sting asked you draping his coat over your shoulders as he spoke,
"Yeah, but I know how much you love fights." You said smiling at him while Lector laughed in agreement.
"That guy wasn't even worth the magic in my little finger, never mind an actual attack." Sting scoffed walking away,
"Don't worry (YN), he was actually really worried about you and tried to get me to bring the whole guild here to come help you." Lector said as the two of you walked behind Sting,
"I did not Lector, I only wanted Rogue, Minerva, Rufus and Orga." Sting pouted making you laugh,
"Might as well been the whole guild, and what about Yukino, wasn't strong enough for you?" You said bellowing his side,
"No, her spirits would bring to much attention."
"Right, and the twin dragons wouldn't?" You laughed
"No, just enough so no one wouldn't bother you ever again." Sting said; sighing you wrapped your arms around his waist hugging him from behind.
"I love you Sting."
"I love you too (YN), now come on the guild is waiting to celebrate your birthday." Sting grabbed your hand and started dragging you down the street while Lector flew above your heads.

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