Saved by my hero

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I opened my eyes to find myself chained up and I couldn't move cause my leg was hurt bcuz I got shot in my leg on yesterday,the wound was just left opened.Suddenly two men walked in "so the little girl is awake"one of them said "pls leave me,I'll give you how much money u want" I pleaded "in your wildest dreams girl"the other scoffed .Then one walked close to me "what are you going to do"I asked "hit u to death"he said.with this my body started shaking when suddenly he whipped me with a stick,a again and again till I fell unconscious.
*few days later*
I opened my eyes and felt my body burn and my clothes where all torn on me ,my body was marked red ,I even had a bullet make on my hand which I got when I tried protecting myself. I haven't eaten from the time I came here ,i feel so weak ,I feel like my life is going to leave me any minute,I couldn't even see clearly has I got some whips on my eyes too, so I can't open it properly. I just feel my body become lighter and lighter has my life was leaving me ,when suddenly I heard shooting noise and fighting noise ,I got a bit afraid on what's happening but I knew I won't last for long.Then I heard footsteps coming towards my cell which I was in and then I heard a person fighting with some other person ,then the footsteps came closer and closer till I felt a shadow fall on me ,then I heard someone break the chains which where on me and I felt being carried bridal styles by a strong muscular arms,I tried seeing who it was but my vision was blurred so I closed back my eyes and then I became unconscious. Was I saved?or was I takes to some other places by these devils?

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