The Disappearing Mannequins

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"And this my fellow friends is the replica of the first car, as you can see the mannequins In the passenger seat, and outside of the car are dressed as they would have been in the early 1900's. Now follow me to the next exhibit where we shall talk more about..."
I didn't hear the rest because I was to distracted looking into the blue plastic eyes of the mannequins. They looked very unusual from where I stood their fine red lips were creased back into big grins, the father of the mannequin family held a bulky cigaret in his teeth while his sketched eyebrows were pulled up towards his greased back hair. The mother was sitting in the passenger seat with the door open and smothered with tons of makeup her fine blond hair was in a bun and her lips were in a beautiful white toothy smile. The daughters face could not be seen because it was hidden behind a big old camera that was pointed at her parents. I pulled out my camera after studying their plastic faces and fancy frilly outfits and snapped some pictures. Before I was about to take another picture I saw a sign near the the exhibit that said in big bold letters,"DO NOT TAKE PHOTOS OF THIS EXHIBIT!!!" But of course I snapped another picture and chased after the tour guid in the direction they had gone.
Later at home I went into my darkroom and developed the film, I waited for the pictures to develop in the chemicals then I set them out to dry. I waited for several hours and eventually went to get them, my eyes bulged out of the sockets when I saw that the Mannequins were gone like someone had just taken them out of the picture and left the car. I thought there must have been a mistake in that picture so I looked at the rest but they were also missing from the other ones. I stared in confusion at the pictures and remembered the warning sign in the exhibit that had said do not take any pictures, maybe that was the reason why.

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