Black haired horror

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Black haired horror:

I stood there thinking, thinking maybe moving would be a good new start, and that I would find new friends, a new school, and another house. It was hard for my mom at that time because my crazy old aunt had just passed away, and the funeral was just a few days ago. I didn't like my great aunt very much because she always made it clear she hated me. She had a tendency to try and trip me.
I picked up a rocking chair, and walked up the basement stairs. Holding on to a chocolate Carmel fudge candy bar I was saving for later. I went back down the stairs and saw that all my aunt's furniture had been moved to the back of the room. I was sure that her furniture had been in the the front of the room with our furniture. It was like someone didn't want us selling her stuff. So I reluctantly moved her furniture back to the front of the room, and walked upstairs carrying a small bed side table.
When I came back down stairs again the lights were off, and the chairs were stacked. This freaked me out so much I ran upstairs and told my mom. I took her down the first flight of dingy stairs and tried to show her the chair pile. When we got down there the light was on and the chairs were how they were supposed to be. She gave me a glance of dismay, and worry. She then walked back up the stairs. I followed her up head down with stupidity and guilt. I looked behind me one last time before the moving truck came to get the rest. The lights were off again. I was about to go turn them on so no one would trip and break their necks. But before I could take one step I heard a shriek that broke through my eardrums and kept echoing, staring into a fog so thick I couldn't see the other side of the room. LI saw a transparent silhouette of a black haired creature wearing a white dress and holding a knife covered in blood. I ran out the front door and deep into the woods but I felt a pain so sharp I fell to the ground, never to rise again.

Creep things that seek the darkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon