I am watching

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I am watching:

Your very exited for that sleepover you planned with your best friend Taylor. You sit in your room and watch the clock for at least 3 hours. Finally Taylor shows up and you two watch funny movies eat popcorn and gossip about boys. Eventually you get serious with Taylor and tell her you want to play with the ouija board. She looks at you and laughs, I mean who would blame her she thinks your joking around and saying that to scare her, but you look deep into her eyes and she knows your telling the truth. So you quietly take out the ouija board from deep inside your dresser and set it up. You start to head towards your closet to get a sweater because you feel cold but all of a sudden you get that weird prickly feeling on the back of your neck the closer you come to the closet, you know the being watched feeling. So you walk back over and sit down with Taylor. You both put two fingers on the board piece and ask a question,but nothing happens. So Taylor asks a question but nothing happens again. Your back is facing the closet and you still feel like your being watched but you just ignore it. You play for another hour and finally when Taylor asks a question, "If your here right now are you watching us." Slowly that prickly feeling comes back and you watch as the board piece slowly starts to slide over to the yes written in the board. You and Taylor both stare in amazement and horror. You both start blaming each other on moving it yourselves but both of you deny it.  It starts to get later and Taylor falls asleep next to you on your bed. But you can't sleep because you still have that feeling of being watched. Because you don't know I am watching.

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