Lonelier than ever

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Have you ever wondered who the people are talking to, when they walk down the lonely smokey alleys watching the blank space of what they think is human, and just jabber on. The question has bugged me for years, though the questions answer seems simple enough the reality is harder then anyone can imagine. Imagine yourself walking down a New York highway when suddenly a stranger walks by with no identity to speak of, looking at the something or someone that walks next to the somber stranger that saunters drearily down the narrow sidewalk. Some times there is the ordinary couple that walks together and talks together, but sometimes there is the particular people in the crowds that talk to themselves or at least that's what people think. If I told you what they actually saw you would just shake your head and laugh. Although it is the word ghost that makes people tremble, the sight of one is much worse. How about I take you back to my own time and tell you everything.
"So Jenny tell me everything again, you were saying that you went home and it happened."
"Oh yes, well...I was going in the kitchen and I heard it-"
"No, no, Jenny start from the beginning, when you came home."
"Oh...ok...well I was driving home from work in my blue Metro. I arrived a little late since I had to clean the office after my work presentation. I walked up to the porch and found the daily newspaper on the steps, in the obituary section there was pictures of two little boys who had been murdered yesterday, it said that one of them had been found in there closet holding a sign that said, "Look behind you, you won't have time to scream." The other little boy was found dead with another sign in his hand that said, "I looked." Of course I didn't take much notice of the newspaper articles so I just thought of how sad it was, then I went back to going in to the house. I turned on the TV and clicked to the NEWS channel. Two more incidents had happened in the same town, it was the same type of story and same type of murder (in the closet).
I then went to the kitchen to start dinner and heard a loud thunk of something that was coming from my upstairs bedroom. I grabbed a kitchen knife and cautiously walked up the stairs. The sound had been completely obvious, it was the sound of the closet door opening. I went into my bedroom and found that the closet door had been opened enough for me to see a cardboard sign in the corner of the closet that said, "run now or never." And that was exactly what I did, I ran. And that was how I learned to believe that there was something or someone that the world didn't know about. And that maybe the lonely people in this world get to be friends with the ones that are to envious for a life of there own."
"Well Jenny how did this relate to anything about lonely people."
"Maybe it's because I'm trying to tell people that the strangers that people think are crazy are actually talking to someone."
"And who do you think that somebody might be"
"Well people like me, people that are dead, because I'm dead to."

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