Maidens house

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We turned down the winded road with the moving van close behind. I watched out the window as the house came into view, it was a tall house that looked worn with age.
I could just imagine all the children of Mrs.Hudson playing in the front yard which was now covered with layers of weeds and overgrown hedges. Mrs.Hudson was the first person to live in the house and eventually died from a sickness that all of her 10 children caught and were also found dead later on. When Mrs.Hudson died the land lord hired a maid to come do the house work. The maiden was turned mad by the cry's   of the ghost children. Later on the maid hung herself so the madness would go away. The land lord told people not to speak of it and kept hiring new maids until nobody else would go in the place because of all the cursed Suicides.
      Like I was telling you I was very nervous to be living in the house. When we pulled up to the front porch I thought I heard the sounds of crying when I walked in the door. I ignored the sounds, I knew it was my imagination. When I walked in I expected to see ghosts and blood but instead I only saw cobwebs. The main hall was empty and covered with a thin layer of dust, there was a long flight of stairs that led up to the 2nd floor. The flooring was a beautiful marbled pattern that was made out of quarts, a huge chandelier swayed back and forth from the ceiling. The main hall looked like it could have once been a ball room. I could just imagine the beautiful lady's in there corsets and the men with the stylish hair that was greased back in a pile of bear grease. I walked through the entrance hall that led to the living room and found it uncomfortably large. A fainting chair was positioned between a cherry wood bar and a luxuries oak wood table.
       The rest of the day I wandered through room to room and soon it became night. I went up to my room which was the second largest bedroom in the house. I fell asleep looking up at the wood beams, and soon as I drifted off into limbo I heard the beams screaming. In the middle of the night I climbed out of bed to get a drink of water and looked at my pile of boxes that now just looked like a black silhouette. For some reason they looked taller then usual I noticed that something had just moved, before I could go any closer A women walked out from behind the boxes. Her hair was in a bun and her clothes were tarnished and worn. There was a weird mark around her neck that had been cut and pulled into the pattern of a rope. I swallowed the air that was fresh pulled in by my lungs and tried to sputter a word, but only a squeak was followed by a long wheeze of air. The maiden looked at me with deep sunken sadness as her long fingers reached for her throat wi'll she said, "can't breath, can't breath, I can't breath, the cry's will come don't worry, the cry's will come." Her raspy voice croaked as she grinned to show her black rotten teeth. I slowly backed up and tripped over a warm fleshy thing. I looked up as the sounds of cry's started to form near disembodied shapes. I looked over by the doorway and saw a group of children and a tall women. I counted the children and noticed there were 10 I groaned and knew who these people were. They were Mrs.Hudson and her 10 dead children. Mrs.Hudson smiled a bone chilling smile she looked at the 12 maids that had also just appeared and said "We welcome you to your new home."

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