forced to school

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It was later that night and there was a knock on the door...i was still in my room, but i have ease dropping skills. I listened closely as i herd a woman tell my father "If Jenny doesn't go to school tomorrow you will be put to jail and she'll be placed in a home.
"OK OK whatever" my father replied.
"Mr Phillips I'm telling you if she doesn't go to school i will be back to arrest you.." "OK she'll go" he finally said. My heart sank i was so exited l. I had missed school. Less than 5 moments after the girl left my father came down To my room. He had a depressed look on his face...he may hurt and rap me, but he is still my father and i cant hate him... "what?" i whispered calmly trying to act as if i didn't hear there convo. "pick your close out...your going to school tomorrow." he stumbled to say.
Oh my god ok!!thank you" i shouted. I sat back and praised God. "Enough" he stopped me.. i quickly stopped freaking and acted calm again. "ok" i sighed. Once he went back upstairs i went to my dresser and pulled out a black shirt with rips on the back (made like that) and my skinny jeans..
And converses. I laid them out on the floor in front of my bed. I went straight to bed even though it was only 8:35 pm..

The next morning I was so exited for school because that's the only time there is ever any outside activities for me. I grabbed my outfit and slipped it on then fixed my hair and put on my make up and glasses. I went upstairs when it was time to go and waited outside. My father didn't even get up, which is nothing new. I waited outside and seen the bus coming, and when it stopped everyone was staring at me. I hurried and sat in my seat and looked out the window. Once we got to the school this girl shoved me against the wall and yelled "why can't you kill yourself" "what did I do" I defended.
"Live" she yelled as she punched me and shove me in the locker.
I heard the bell ring, but failed to get out of the locker. After at least and hour I began to cry and cry and cry until I heard someone ask "who's out there" it sounded like an old man. "Me, Jennifer" I sobbed.
I heard a knock on the locker door as he said "you in there"
"Yeah" I cried
"I'll be right back" he finally said
I sat there in the dark squished together. Until he came back with a woman and broke the lock with a clamp. As soon as I got out I hit the floor and cried more. "Who put you in here" the woman said.
"I don't know who she is she just told me to kill myself and said I was in the wrong Cuz I'm alive then shoved me in here."
"Mrs Sanders...I think she needs to go home" the man said. He looked like a janitor, and she looked like the principle. "Come with me" she said.
I did. We went to her office and I gotta sit in a fancy desk.
-------------------ours later-------------
I ended up staying at school for the rest of the school hours. I road the bus and my father waited for me. Once I got off the bus he grabbed me by the arm and held me there until the bus went by. The neighbor boy I guess didn't go to school because I didn't see him and he was rolling on his hover board looking at us. My father drug me into the house and when I say drug...I mean he pulled me so hard I was dragging the ground. All my papers flue out of my hands everywhere in the yard. He through me into the house so hard it knocked me out.
When I woke up my father left, and I knew where. He went to go to the strip club and drink. I was home alone..Ohh I loved being home alone. I went to the bathroom and cut my wrist and took a few pills I found in the cabinet... It seemed the only thing to calm me down. I found so shit to shoot up with and a needle. (Her dad does drugs so that's why there is this kinda stuff laying around the house) 
After I was drugged up I had heard a knock on the door...

Hey babes🔥 I hope you love this chapter!!! I bet Yall already know who the person is knocking on the door, but what happens when she see's (?)

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