"You need to leave"

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I heard a knock on the door. I went torrid it and slowly opened it to see the neighbor boy standing there. He reached his arm out and said "hey I'm Mark! I haut moved in next door!"
"You need to leave!" I whispered.
"Why?" He asked.
"Before he comes back!" I said searching the road for my father.
"Who?" He asked.
"Him" I repeated not wanting him to know who "him" is.
"Your dad?" He asked. I stood up straight and cocked my head and said
"How did you know?"
"Because I've seen him drag you around...why are you so scared of him?" He asked.
"That's none of your busyness! Go before he gets you too" i exclaimed.
"No because the way he treats you isn't right!" He said.
"LEAVE!" I shouted.
"No"he shouted back.
Never in my life did some "new" kid yell back at me.
"Please not for me but for yourself! Save yourself gosh danm it!"
He stepped back a bit then I slammed the door into his face. I slid down the door and cried my eyes out.


Sorry guys that I made this chapter short!😭
I had to work on other stories too an I was kinda tired because this was the last chapter I had to update tonight and Ya I'm sure you know what I mean!

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