Loaf and Loss

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Kas: My one true love... why must you go?





*titanic music plays as it pans to an empty muffin wrapper and a few crumbs*

Kas: Nomnom *stares into distance* My love, though you are dead, I have sinned by cheating on you!

*pan to another empty muffin wrapper with crumbs*

Kas: W-with your BROTHER! Forgive meeeeeeeee!

Rose:*scandalous gasps* HOW COULD YOU? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HIM! W-WHA...  WHAT ABOUT YOUR *dramatic music* DAUGHTER?!?

Kas: He would have wanted me to move on *looks into distance*

Rose: But.... what if your moving...too fast...just look at your daughter *miniature muffin discarded to the side* She has become cold...rotting in the despair of  loss while you're frolicking with another man... She needs you...before...it's ...too...

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