Flying Food

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Kas: *finished cookie*

Kan: *Pats Head*

Rose: Wait....*dancing tear appears behind me* in pieces....

Kas: *tries to bite hand* *misses* *gekkers angrily and walks away*

Rose: Heheh

Kas:*throws rock* *doesn't miss*

Rose: NU *Rock phases through body*

Kan: *screeching*

Kas: .... *warbles*

BeepBoop_SneetSnoot: *Hisses*

Rose: rawr

Katnined: *barks like a fox*

Rose: rAwr

Kas: *vixen's scream*

Rose: raWr

Kas: *vixen's scream louder*

Rose: rawR *tosses potatoES at the icons*

Kan: *Yells at them all to shut the fuck up before running back to my room*

Kas: *gekkers and throws rock*

Rose: Rawr

Kan: *slams door before anything can hit me*

Rose: *Baymax comes in to treat wounds*

Kas: *vixen's scream*

Rose: Well then *Throws another potato at ashes door*

Kas: *throws a mango* *mango breaks on door*

Rose: that made of...

Kas: mangoes break real easy dun worry

Rose: But how do they break doors... (A/N: Rosey didn't understand ~ Kan)


(A/N: We don't own Baymax btw ~ Kan)

Edit from six minutes in the future: vIDEO IS THE VIXEN'S SCREAM - Amor, Kas.

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