Insecure Thoughts

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I've been living underwater for a while and I do it with hope that people will stay. That people will pick me. I breathe underwater in hopes of no one leaving me again.... And every time it's like a kick in the gut when they do. Don't do that to me please.... Don't say those words.... That you are done playing your part. Don't ever say those words. Those are the words that break me.... and I can't. I can't deal with more broken pieces. Because that's all my life consists of broken pieces. Broken words, broken promises, and broken hearts. I was smiling and then I read those words, "I'm done playing my part", and I fell over in tears unable to breathe. I couldn't breathe all over again. I'm broken and you picked the worst girl because I'll constantly be scared. Scared of that kick in the gut that causes me to be breathless all over again. Broken and scared. And I'm sorry.... I'm sorry that you will fight me if you want this to work but that's what's going to happen... And I might just be that person who breaks you. I don't want to pull you under the water with me.

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