The Truth

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"I have so many questions," I said trying to keep my face away from him. I didn't want him to see the tears already forming in my eyes, although he probably heard it in my voice. I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye.


"Why did you give up on me? On us? Relationships are supposed to be about enduring everything, pain, distance, time, all for the person you love because you love them. I'm so lost you have no idea, because you helped me heal and then you left me." The tears strolled down my cheeks in a steady rhythm. There was no turning back now.

"I don't know. There was just so much on me at the time, things were about to change and I would have seen you less and I can't do that. I can't be here and have you there."

"What happened to your heart was where ever I was? You remember saying that right? Because mine is here. Mine is in your sheets, in your hands, mine was in your care thinking you would take care of it. Things were about to change but I was willing to try everything so that we could survive. You never gave me that chance."

"How is it supposed to survive on a drop of water?"

"Just like my heart was supposed to survive in its weak state when you stabbed it. Because although it is broken and weaker than ever it still lights up every time I think of you. Every time I hear your name. But it breaks every time you act like I was nothing. It breaks every time." I said now trying to wipe the tears from my stained cheeks, stained lips.

"I don't know what to tell you Miya."

"I've tried to see it from your side. You saw me once a month that hurt me just as much. You were busy, so was I. I was so busy I didn't have time for you. I'm sorry but like I said you never gave me a chance to fix it. You never gave me a chance to fight."

"It was her." And that's when my heart exploded. It was those words that I didn't want to hear. "She was here, you were there. You were always so jealous, so insecure. So..."

"Broken." I said as I started to get up. "I was broken, I am broken."

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