1. Wake Up

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Naomi grumbled as she rolled out of bed, fighting off the urge to hit snooze on her alarm clock. Why did she have to rely on that annoying thing to wake her up while Esther got the luxury of Naomi's gentle nudges? It was a puzzle she couldn't solve and probably never would.

"Esther, you better be up by the time I'm done in the shower!" she hollered down the hallway to Esther's room.

After a few moments of rustling, all she got back was a groan of, "Naomi, I'm starving!"In about 45 minutes, both girls were ready to head to work in Naomi's car. Esther sat beside her, munching on doughnuts filled with jam and loaded with whipped cream from the bakery nearby, one of the main reasons they moved there. Esther was a big-time sugar lover.

Arriving at the hospital parking lot where Esther worked as a general surgeon, Naomi played chauffeur since Esther's car was in the shop. Naomi had agreed to this ride solely because Esther had a job interview physical the next day.

Glancing at Esther, who seemed oblivious to the fact the car had stopped, busy sucking on a lollipop, Naomi finally spoke up. "I'm heading out. Are you coming, or should I lock you in?"Esther shot back, "Naomi, sometimes I wonder about you. You can't lock a person in a car," before darting off towards the building.

Naomi took a moment to lock the car. "I'll catch you," she shouted, dashing after her.The chase ended abruptly as Naomi collided with something, tumbling down with a thud.She didn't make a sound as she fell, hearing faint voices muttering, "Keep the package balanced," while she watched imaginary ants dancing in the air. Could ants smile? Naomi's head was spinning too much to tell.

Soon, she found herself being carried, drifting off into unconsciousness.

When she woke up, she found herself on an uncomfortable bed, turning didn't seem to help.

 "Wait, a bed?" she thought, opening her eyes just in time to see Esther and another doctor enter the room.

The doctor, short and balding but with kind eyes, introduced himself as Dr. Philips. Naomi learned she'd hit her head hard but had no serious injuries. She'd be free to leave after signing a release form.

As soon as the doctor left, Esther began scolding Naomi for her clumsiness. But Naomi just wanted to leave and crawl into her bed.

"Esther, I just want to get this physical done and go home. My head is killing me," she said, trying to cut the lecture short.

Esther nodded silently and helped her up. They took the elevator, and Esther directed a nurse to assist Naomi further.

As Naomi was led to another room for a physical, she glanced at Esther, expecting her to accompany her.

Esther shook her head, "Nope, I've got work to do to feed my shoe addiction." She kissed Naomi's cheek and disappeared into the elevator.

Left alone, Naomi went through the physical, only half-focused until she heard a voice that made her heart skip a beat.

"Hi, I'm Enrique. Please lie down, and we'll begin."

Naomi obeyed, feeling a strange sensation as Enrique's hands moved over her abdomen. She started to drift off unintentionally, his touch surprisingly soothing.

After the tests were done, Enrique asked if she had any preexisting conditions or was on any medication.

"No, nothing like that, Doctor Enrique," she replied.

"Then that's all, ma'am. Your test results will be delivered today. The nurse will guide you," he said before leaving.

As Naomi dressed, she heard a voice behind her. "He's hot!" she chuckled, knowing it could only be Esther.

Exiting the hospital, Naomi didn't notice the man in the restaurant across the street staring at her, or when his car started to follow hers closely.

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