Chicken Fight

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Lil Bruce POV.

After we were done with our food we had a race to the chicken coop. Kal was an amazingly fast runner, so he beat me. I feed the chickens while Kal told me all the chickens names.

"This one is Sarah and here's her brother and sister, James and lisa" Kal said.

He went on telling me all 21 chickens names but I stopped paying attention because I noticed something out the ordinary behind a bushel of hay. I walked towards it while Kal was still going on about the chickens. I saw a ship! I gasp.

"Bruce? Bruuuuce?" Kal called.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped and was gonna scream until Kal covered my mouth.

"Don't tell!" Kal pleaded

He let go of my mouth and I whispered. "What is it?"

Kal looked scared and looked straight in my eye and said. "Pinkey promise you won't tell."

I pinky swore and he told me it's was his ship and he's not from this planet.

"Where did you come from then?" I asked

"I don't know, but all I know is that I'm special. My MA and Pa told me that.

"COOL!!!" I yelled.

"Now you can't break that promise because i heard if you a break a pinkey promise you get to break the persons pinkey!"

I laughed and said okay. Then out of no where Sarah the chicken started peeking my leg because I had chicken food pieces stuck on my legs. I started running and that caused all the chickens to chase me. I look back and Kal is just staring and laughing at me. How rude!

I ran towards him, grabbing the chicken feed bag and threw the rest on him. The chickens saw their next victim and I watched Kal run around the field screaming.

"Kal!!" Said his Ma.

Kal saw her and ran straight for her. He jumped in her arms and didn't move. The chickens went to Alfred and started pecking his pants. I haven't seen Alfred run that fast in my whole life. I couldn't stop laughing while Alfred tripped into a big pile of hay. He popped his head out with a lil chicken on his head. Everyone ran to Alfred and laughed. Alfred didn't find it amusing so he grumbled and went to the house to take a shower.

"He'll be okay, he doesn't like getting dirty." I said.

They all chuckled and Kal grabbed my arm to take me to their horses.


I know, I know I'm a shitty writer and I'm sorry. Who knew senior year was hard, I thought it was gonna be a chill year. Piece of advice young ones, don't wait til you are a senior to take you SAT's or act's. The worst and stressful decision in my life. Do all your shit sophomore year or junior year. I love you guys :) I'm gonna make goals not promises now. My goal now is to finish this story before I start college, by publishing a Chappie a week. Thank you guys for all the support! I hope you like this Chappie. As the usual, vote if liked it and comment what you thought about it :) bye bye

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