New Mission

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Bruce POV.

--Present Day-

I've been called in for a briefing in the league for a special mission from one of are sister planets. It's not top secret but the leader only trusts me and superman to get the job done. I turn on the transmission and General Dimitri's face popped up.

"Greeting Dark Knight and Man of Steel, how are you this fine evening?" General Dimitri asked.

"We are both well General Dimitri, care to explain the mission that has Superman in such a giddy mood?" I smirked

"I'm not giddy B!" Superman said defensively

"Oh please, you used the Bat symbol in the sky tonight because you couldn't wait to tell me in the morning" I chuckled

I heard General Dimitri laugh

"You guys are like a married couple" The general said

I felt my cheeks warm and ignored the comment.

"Back to the dire topic of are mission, what exactly do you need me and Superman do?" I asked

"I need you two to travel to a planet called Fantasia, it's about a week's travel from earth, I've gotten a distress transmission from my brother that is trading goods for our planet there. He said that a new gang is murdering their people to sell their body parts on the black market.

I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Why can't you use your men to get rid of them" Superman asked.

"Well we can't find them, they're always one step ahead of us, moving constantly. So, that's when you two come in, Dark Knight you're one of the best investigators I know and superman you can easily pass as a galactic produce trader, they'll smell the human off the Dark Knight right when you land and will get suspicious. So, Dark Knight I will need you to get rid of the suit for this mission, I need you two to pretend to be produce traders wanting to get body parts to sale. You find them and eliminate them."

I felt nervous, I've never been out of suit with superman, and I don't think he'll like the truth of who I am. It's been about 15 years since "Bruce Wayne" has talked to Kal A.K.A. Superman.

I sighed

These people getting murdered is more important than our emotions

"We accept, when do we leave?" I asked

"Tomorrow morning a ship will pick you up and quickly brief you on the characters you two will be playing." The General said

"Okay see you then" Superman said and cut the transmission

We stood in silence for five minutes until Superman decided to be the one to talk first.

"So, you going to tell me who you are now, I've been only waiting for 5 years" He said casually

"You'll see tomorrow morning." I scoffed and started walking to the watch tower

"Fine!" I heard him say and start following me

"You have to wait to know my identity too them!" He said

Stopped on the watch towers open platform and laughed

"What's so funny B!" He asked

"If you only knew "Kal"" I said with emphasis on his name

He looked awestruck but before he could ask any questions I grappled hooked to a building and swung away.

Now I must tell Alfred he was right and hear a "I told you so" from him.



Hey everyone, sorry I'm 2 days late but Happy Merry Presidents Day. Hoped you enjoyed the day off. I wanted to do a Q&A this chappie but you guys never gave me questions to answer D; so I wanted to try again. So, ask me anything, about the characters, the story, anything about me or just anything random. I like interacting with you guys :D So comment questions or suggestions, and punch that star button in the face like a BOSS! And high fives all around, I'll see all you dudes in the next chappie! (If you get that reference, the first person that comments the right answer, I'll dedicate the next chappie to that person)

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