chapter 2

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little Bruce pov

I was sitting alone in the room i was put in by the mister farmer man and Alfred was busy packing away clothes so i started reading a book my father gave me for my birthday.

i wish my father gave me something different and fun but im stuck with the book about moby dick. I look around the boy my age room and he has cool action figures and toys. I only get toys from Alfred because he's the only one that really knows me.

i went to sit on the bed and pretend to read the book and then the boy came in.

"Hi, my name is Clark but you can call me kal" he said while extending his hand out.

"I'm bruce" i said while I shook his hand.

"you must be smart, reading a book big as that" kal said.

"not really" i giggled. "My dad gave me this boring thing on my birthday, so i pretend to read it"

kal said oh and stared at the book.

"do you want to see it?" i asked and put the book in his hand.

"wow... it looks so old, where'd your pa get it?" he asked

"it's the first book published, my great great great grandfather were friends with the author" i said


"do you have horses here?" i asked in excitement

"of course" kal smiled "what's a farm with out horses?"

kal pov.

"BOYS IT'S TIME TO EAT" ma yelled.

"come on!! my ma makes the best pie in the world!!!" i said grabbing his hand and dragging him down stairs.

we got to the table and i motioned for him to sit next to me.

"ma, what's for supper?" i asked

"your favorite kal" she said with a warming smile

I whispered to bruce "hey, do you like chicken?"

he nodded yes and smiled.

i whispered again to him " do wanna go help me feed the chickens when we're done eating?"

bruce nodded excitedly

"what you whispering about kal?" pa asked

"Pa can bruce help me feed the chickens after dinner?" i begged

" i don't mind but he should probably ask mister pennyworth if it's okay" pa said

" oh please sir just call me Alfred,  and i don't mind either" the old man said

bruce and i said yay in unison and we all laughed .


ta daaaa sorry it took a long time o.o but hers chapter two c: if you liked it vote if not, your not hurting my feeling c: bye bye c:

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