Going Home

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Lil Bruce POV.

I'm going home in a hour. I've learned so much here, I don't wanna leave but Alfred said we had to. Me and Kal switched books, he gave me a cool comic book, I told him I didn't have any interesting books on me to give him but he wanted the Moby dick book. I don't know why, it's so boring.

His Ma packed us some sweets for the long trip. Especially her famous apple pie that makes your mouth watering just of thinking about it.


I looked up to see Kal with tears in his eyes so I hugged him tight.

"It's okay Kal, we'll write and call each other" I said trying to calm him down but my eyes started to water.

"Bruce I'm going to miss. I wish you didn't have to leave, I could hide you in the barn and say you ran away!"

I laughed. "I'm sorry Kal but I can't do that."

He cried a lil bit more on my shoulder. "Promise you'll come visit me again" Kal said

"Pinkey promise" I said while raising my pinkey.

Kal smiled and pinkied promised me. Then surprisingly Kal stood on his tip toes and kissed my cheek.

I froze and my cheeks felt hot.

"It's just a thing we do in our family" he said in a bashful tone.

I kissed his cheek, said bye real fast and ran to the limo outside.


I know I'm a bitch for that but I didn't realize I had to update all my stories in less than 24 hours. I love you my loveys! Star it if you liked it, comment for suggestions for me or just to say hey. I love your guys comments, they keep me going :) see you guys next Chappie!

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