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Photograph ; Chapter Two ❁

I emptied the last box and went over the dresser, bringing a stack of clothes perfectly arranged it in the dresser. I tend to be really organized with my things. I smiled in content as I finished sorting it.

The more I stare at this room the more I appreciate it. It was a handsome room, like something you see in magazine covers. It was big, but not too empty. It reminds me of a hotel suite, not because of the space but of the internal designs too. I scan for a personal touch, something that doesn't say a hired designer chose it. Nothing. The white curtains had that kind of white that is untouched by hands and devoid of dust. It fell two inches above the floor; polished wood, dark and free of either dust or clutter.

I heard my stomach make a grumbling sound. I should grab myself something to eat. My eyes took a glimpse of the window, the sun rays was no longer forcing themselves to enter the blinds. I looked at the wall clock, 10:00, it said. Did it really took me 6 hours to arrange my things? Though half of it were wasted on playing-with-everything.

I placed the last two frames over the bookshelf. A portrait of my family; my mom, my dad and I—obviously, I'm an only child—wearing bright smiles and running through fields of rainbows. I could still hear our laughter on that day. A very memorable day. If I could turn back time, I would go back to that very day. Back when we were still complete.
I heard my door open, bringing me out of my thoughts, as I turn to it's direction. The girl earlier entered with a bag of Doritos in her hand.
I dropped the picture frame and faced her. My eyes dropped from her head to toe, she's still wearing her night clothes. Her silk top barely covered her stomach exposing that weird belly button. Her shorts aren't even covering enough skin. If she walked around the house naked I couldn't even tell the difference.
She began examining the room, her big bright eyes opened wide in awe.
"Nice room you got here." she flashed a wide smile, shoving a handful of Doritos in her mouth. Small fragments of chips followed her every step. She threw herself on my newly covered bed, leaving crumbs on the sheet.
God knows how hard I kept my cool. Woman, I just changed my bed sheets! I even sat on the floor because I was afraid to wrinkle the sheets.

"I'm Cara." she reached her cheese coated fingers to me for a handshake which I doubtfully took. She was just sucking the powder off of her fingers a minute ago!
"Hey." I said cooly—I shouldn't act rude, "I'm Joshua Hong. Nice to meet you."

She hopped off the bed spilling a little more of the chips on the floor. She went on her mini tour around my room, asking me countless questions which I left unanswered.
My head was about to explode, steam began to come out of my ears. I tried to calm down, and followed her trails with my gaze. This woman is seriously starting to get on my nerves.
"U-uh, Cara." I called to her, "Are there rules in this house?"

"None." She lifted her shoulders.

I scrunched my eyebrows, I mean shouldn't there be at least one rule or two? Curfews? No Alcohol or No smoking? Or no annoying Doritos-eating trespasser allowed in room 3C. That's my room, if anyone's curious. She was going through my photos, raising them in the air one by one.
"Hey!" I snatched the photo from her hand. She got cheese stains at the bottom corner of the photo. It printed her thumb mark like it was a logo. Wait, I should be mad.
"Look what you did." I showed her the mess she made and she just looked at her fingers. Who's dumb enough to not notice their fingers magically turn yellow?
"Oh I forgot about that.."
"Since there aren't any rules in this house I'll make my own. First; No tresspassing. Second; keep out of my office." my tone was harsh but it had to be done, "You may now take your leave because I have to clean after your mess."
I pushed her out of the room with my hands pressed on her back. She kept talking but I went deaf from all her blah-blah. I just want her out, now. She flipped herself and faced me.
We were frozen in our places. Seconds later I felt two soft melons in my palm.

Big soft melons.

Photograph » Seventeen Joshua FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz